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images not showing


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Hi KeeCoyote,

How are you trying to import the images?

Only PNG is supported, and if you just put the images in one either your Spriter projects main folder or a sub-folder within that folder, they should appear in the files palette.

have you read through the manual (help/help in Spriter's menu) and watched the tutorials?


Mikwe at BrashMonkey

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@leonard-moro If you're putting PNG files in the folder you pointed Spriter to when you chose to start a new project, they should show up in Spriter... if you're putting them in the folder when Spriter and your project are already open, you might need to close and re-open spriter and your project for them to show up.

If this doesn't help you'll likely need to zip up the project folder and email it to mail@brashmonkey.com with a description of the problem so we can take a look and figure out the issue.

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