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Spriter 2 alpha version release


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Hello everyone. Apologies for the slightly delayed and less comprehensive build than usual. A series of events contributed to this, including migrating to a new development rig with a fresh OS install, immediately followed by a malfunctioning air conditioner during an extreme heat advisory. We will resume our usual schedule and output from here.

Change Log



  • Added selection groups for setting and recalling named selections (selection groups are not saved yet, but will save in future versions)


Changes and Enhancements

  • Massive optimizations to rerigging operations that occur when dragging and dropping multiple rigging objects attached to a multi-bone mesh


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a but where changing the rigging points of a multi-bone mesh would not immediately cause the mesh subdivision to be calculated until an additional change was made(leaving the subdivision one change behind at all times)
  • Fixed a but where changing the rigging points by dragging a rigging mesh connecting line would only affect one of the two dragged points at a time


Known issues

  • Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik







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