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Spriter not starting on Windows 11


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Hi, I just bought a new laptop with Windows 11 and I'm having trouble getting Spriter to start. The first error it gave me was "Cannot find MSVCP120.dll." I reinstalled the 2013 Visual Basic redistributable and copied the dll over to Spriter's folder. However, not it simply says "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."

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  • 3 weeks later...


Soeey, we've not been able to find a definitive answer for Windows 11 issues yet, but while we continue to investigate, there are a few things you could try which might help.
After trying to run Spriter, you can find a file called 'startuplog.txt' in the Spriter install folder. Could you please copy and paste that text either here or email it to mail@brashmonkey.com ?

Another thing to try if you've not already done so is to right click on the program and try running it in compatibility mode for older versions of Windows like 10 or 7, and in admin mode.


I also found this regarding the specific error message you're dealing with:

If any of this works, please let us know so we can help anyone else who runs into this issue.


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  • 11 months later...

My Spriter will not load either get MSVCR100.dll missing error.  Have tried installing the visual studio file too

This is my startuplog file


BrashMonkey Spriter - Version r7

Setting up main window...

Initializing model...

Setting up widgets...

Setting up graphics viewport with openGL...

Checking for stable or beta updates...
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::stateChanged(QNetworkSession::State) to QNetworkReplyHttpImpl::_q_networkSessionStateChanged(QNetworkSession::State)

Spriter launched succesfully.

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@Cool Studios , did you make sure to uninstall all the newer versions of visual studio before installing the required older one? Also, did you install both the 32 and 64 bit versions? 
After that I'd suggest restarting your computer and reinstalling Spriter.
What seems to be the fastest solution for most though is to install the free trial of Adobe creative cloud and specifically photoshop, which seems to install the required dll in the process, but if you try that, be sure to remember to cancel the trial membership before you get charged if you don't want to keep using the creative cloud. 

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