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De-parent all frames?


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Sorry, there's no automatic way to de-parent a single object or multiple ones in all the key frames past a point in the timeline, especially if you have key-frames beyond that point. (to de-parent I recommend you click the parent bone, hold the B key and click on the image or bone you want to no longer be a child if it.) If there are no key-frames after where you wasn't to de-parent just turn off looping mode for the animation and key all the last frame before creating the new-frame with the images or bones de-parented from their parent bones and everything should work fine. If there are already frames beyond where you want to de-parent then unfortunately if you de-parent images from bones they might take on strange positions, scales, and angles at that time in the timeline or tween to strange positions.  The best way to minimize glitches that would have to be fixed is to key all in the key frames before and after the edit , turn off looping mode, and if you have to, delete the objects that end up in strange positions and angles and copy them from previous frames where they are in the right place and re-paste them back into the frames where they had gone wrong.

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