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Found 4 results

  1. I try to make Spriter work but program keeps destroying my progress. This is my project loaded today. When I saved it, everything was fine (and I save every 5 mins because Spriter crashes often). Later when I reloaded project this is what I got. What is going on?
  2. When there is something that Spriter users know than it is that once the project path is set it cannot be changed anymore or the project images get lost. Well.. Here is a small guide how it can be actually changed. What do you need? Notepad++ Actually it is not a need but it's just easier to work with. Now let's assume your Spriter File (SCML) is inside the folder where all your sprites are located. In the above example my SCML file is called "Juggernaut". Now let's put it one folder higher in the file hierarchy. What I did is to cut out the "Juggernaut " SCML from the "Body Parts" Folder and placed it to the parent folder. If you open the scml file now. After getting a pop-up dialog that notifies you about missing sprites the following thing will happen: That happens because Spriter is still searching for the images in the old folder but since the file has moved the path has to be changed as well. Here is the trick Right Click on the SCML file Choose "open with" and then your favorite editor. In my case Notepad++ Then you will see a syntax similar to xml. Simply add a name attribute to the folder tag Give it the path to the folder your sprites are located e.g name="Body Parts" Search and replace all FILE NAME ATTRIBUTES with the path to the sprites e.g name="Body Parts/Head.png" (in the image above I had to continue it with file id = 7) Save and open Spriter the normal way Enjoy No more missing Sprites ;D
  3. Hi guys, We're working on a commercial game utilizing Spriter animations and need to hire a Spriter animator to help us out with some stuff. We're looking for someone to help us with two tasks: the first one, a priority, is creating additional animations we need for little over a week from now - there's not a lot of them, but they need to be created for a specific deadline. The second job would be about working with us on a month-by-month basis, working with our artist to create character-specific animations for the characters that will be created for the game. If you're interested in either of the jobs (or both), please contact me at marchewkowy@gmail.com with your selected portfolio, price range (price per animation), and info whether or not you're capable of putting out an invoice for your work (even if not, do contact us either way). Thanks! Jakub
  4. Hello, We've run into a problem with Spriter. Our working assets are quite large and we need to scale the project down for different devices etc. to get the best performance out of them. I've tried the Save as resized project, but it doesn't scale all of the image files. Only some of them are scaled, others are left out of the new project entirely. We have multiple animations in the project, with different assets, only the main character remains the same. So what am I doing wrong here? There aren't really any settings available for the Save as resized-feature so I'm clueless what to do.
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