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  1. So I've exported quite a couple of things recently on Spriter. I've used batch export a couple of times. Spriter always adjusts the values of time interval, framerate and frames whenever I change one of those values, right? Well, it used to. Now it just stopped. Same exact project. Except now I try to change the framerates and time intervals and it won't adjust any values. And I have no idea which values I want since I'm not used to making those calculations. How on earth can I make Spriter automatically decide these values for me? Edit: It's worse than I thought. The exporting is bugged. Even if I put reasonable values on these parameters it's exporting PNG images with 0 bytes and no images actually in them... Jesus. Second Edit: Seems like the problem is only to do with Batch Export and perhaps the "set animation intervals on export" option as well. I've tried deactivating and activating this and it's still bugged as a batch export Please help
  2. So here's my problem. I have this model with two animations. I'm exporting these animations via the built-in spritesheet creator. It works well with the exception of a big issue. The walk animation has the character always in the same centered position in the entirety of the walk. The blast animation however, has the character changing positions and so the body becomes off-center. Take the position of the head on the Blast animation. It's slightly to the left of the center compared to the Walk animation. This is very problematic for the type of work I'll be doing. Basically what I need is for the center of the body to ALWAYS be in the same position, regardless of what the body is doing. I've centered the character in the same position for both animations inside Spriter, but the program totally ignores that and changes the "center" of the character in the Blast animation. I've tried to solve this problem with the Texture Packer program, but it doesn't solve it because Spriter still exports the frames with a change in body position. How can I solve this issue? If it's solvable at all. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I am facing today a bit annoying problem in Spriter Pro.. I have created character and assemble all bones.. save the file and with the next opening of file my character hand fingers disappear. They still are in hierarchy panel and in this panel, bone+picture, but in working from I don't see those fingers only bones. However, on the spot where suppose be finger is a thin line.. I will appreciate any help and advice how to solve this problem. Aha, I tried to create new file and the same thing happen that hand fingers disappear. PS English is my second language so please forgive me all my grammar mistakes
  4. Does anyone know whether this is at all possible? I have an animation which requires several limbs of a character to move at different speeds with easing curves. I have one limb completely animated fine, but now I'm going back and trying to add animation to the second limb. Creating a new frame for the second limb's animation results in interrupting the easing curve of the first limb. Can I animate these two sprites separately without having them interfere with each other's animation/easing curve?
  5. Hey guys, I am currently pulling my hair out! All I want to do is swap an image in an animation using a sprite sheet. (all of my images for this animation are in one sprite sheet) In my project I have a few animations with slight differences in movement and I need to change a few facial features. So, I have cloned the initial animation, made a few minor movement tweaks and I now want to swap the necessary images. However, right clicking on the new image while the animation image is selected doesn't offer me the "replace sprite" option (it does give me the option for a single PNG image file). Am I doing something wrong? I can achieve what I want by manually inputting the x and y positions, but this method is tedious. Also as a side note I would also like to highlight that sometimes Spriter is a little buggy and my images disappear in the z-order panel, but reappear after I reload Spriter, any ideas why this would be? I am running the paid version of Spriter release 4.1 and have look for updates but none seem to exist at present. Please can someone offer me some help, this is really frustrating and is holding up my game development.
  6. Is it possible? Manually selecting all bones and applying the desired Bezier curve is really a time consuming task. http://gyazo.com/b130c5ff80adc56827f0954957da6be3
  7. Hello. Sorry for this being my first post and I'm already asking for help. But I could not find help anywhere else. I'm studying Spriter Pro those days, I've bought it on Steam and it was really a good deal, the software is awesome. I'm learning with the official youtube channel. It worked really fine, just a little more time and I can say I know all its features. But I found an annoying issue right now. I was following this video: There's no problem with the video but maybe with my computer. I followed step-by-step and created my Character Map. I named it as Armor and linked the character pieces accordingly. Saved. But when I click-and-drag the Armor word from the "Available" to the "Active" painel, nothing happens. Its like something is not right or allowed but I don't get any error messages. I tried a new CM and still nothing. Tried to restart Spriter Pro and still nothing =( What should I do? Thank you very much! EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm using it on a Mac, OSX 10.9.5
  8. Everytime I try to call a animation using this kind of event the spriter animations keeps paused on the first frame. Could anyone help me with that?
  9. Hello! :) I would like to ask what is the best way of implementing my animation into a game. I made a laser animation, and now i want it to be able to bounce off of walls from all angles. Of course, it's impossible to animate bouncing off walls for every single angle, so i would like to know how you would solve this issue. One solution that I have is to have "another" laser coming out of the wall when the first goes in so it would give an illusion of bouncing. Please answer as soon as you can and thank you for reading ^_^
  10. So, I followed the tutorial for importing sprites, and have the custom save options set correctly; however, when I drag over the scml file, this sprite gets all jumbled up. What's happening: http://postimg.org/image/orklfhcuz/ What it should look like: http://postimg.org/image/7x7zbww59/ Am I doing something wrong? I have the latest build of C2 and I have the plugin installed. Also, I just updated Spriter to Pro account.
  11. So I'm sitting here playing with spriter pro for the first time, using a character model I made especially for the program. I have very little animation experience though, so the best I can really make right now is a very simple idle animation. I'd really love to get to the point where I'm capable of making something along the lines of the shambling skeleton animation included with the spriter pro download, because it doesn't seem to use many more techniques than the very simple bone-attached-to-sprite animation technique displayed in the tutorials found on the official brashmonkey youtube channel. But I think what I'm really lacking here is a knowledge of the theory behind sprite and bone animation. As in, how I should be going about designing assets that will be animated, what things to keep in mind, how they're animated, etc. Are there any channels, guides, or tutorials for that? Aside from just plain raw practice, obviously. I know practice is a good foundation, but it always helps to know what direction you're going in. I guess this might be kind of a weird question to ask, but I'm definitely looking forward to your guys's responses. Thanks in advance!
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