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Everything posted by ffman22

  1. dev log 3 new version: demon golem animation progress part2 more info: http://judgementprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post_18.html
  2. dev log 2 new version: demon golem animation progress http://youtu.be/Gbgjjc8eO1c more info: http://judgementprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post.html
  3. will you send all the updates of the free art packs for the spriters owners, for example I have the program for 8 months about
  4. new facebook page of the game. https://www.facebook.com/judgementproject
  5. soo the project, will start again, we create a new story and a new monsters and enemies. this is the first 1: and the first update of the new concept of the game. dev diary new concept 1: first test boss: demon golem more info: visit http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/
  6. Just to make sure I cover all the bases for anyone else reading the thread' date=' if you just want to blend to transition from one animation to the next when you set an animation, just use the [b']Set Animation command, and choose a blend for Where to start playing this as well as the amount of time to take for the blend in Blend Duration: If you want to continuously blend between two animations (not just a transition), and constantly set the blend ratio manually, use the actions under Advanced: Animation Blending : [*:e6bwhkfr]Set second (blended) animation to start a continuous blend. (once) [*:e6bwhkfr]Set animation blend ratio as often as you need [*:e6bwhkfr]Stop blending second (blended) animation when you want to stop yea sorry lucid thank you for that :oops:
  7. hi I need help to create this effect: ] in the minute 7:00 some one can help me to create this blending effect with the spriter plugin in construct 2 o maybe you can share the examples capx. @lucid @brashmonkey
  8. Dev Log 23 main character animations update: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LEXBrFbxyV8/VE6Hi-JmTJI/AAAAAAAACBY/vJMnBXYxs84/s1600/attack1.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6VoJriNtO44/VE6Ht17IKQI/AAAAAAAACBg/UOPnOK8BXjc/s1600/attack2.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-V08XmYnTpes/VE6H8lqnpyI/AAAAAAAACBw/ltTnHF4OZ9A/s1600/dragon_arm_update.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Js-xLWCH-l0/VE6H6mwzxGI/AAAAAAAACBo/AZDalL2Cqrs/s1600/idle_no_weapon.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LTPoxgsgK6w/VE6H8xUjjLI/AAAAAAAACB0/weaPZuGSHe0/s1600/idle_weapon.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FyVWnSksFyg/VE6H-LMCqDI/AAAAAAAACCA/YPfbFXZ4gmM/s1600/roll.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RWUyD-iwX-w/VE6H_m3_v9I/AAAAAAAACCM/rvELw5NzWes/s1600/run_weapon.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YV1oPbbpWyM/VE6H_I7W5cI/AAAAAAAACCI/mCNrmtJWeuo/s1600/spell_cast_update.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-D1oSerjMUWo/VE6H__FojbI/AAAAAAAACCY/IRBaGkzKaSU/s1600/walk_weapon1.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FfTH38KWd4o/VE6IAlBR7bI/AAAAAAAACCg/aaSIi6w8T3M/s1600/walk_weapon2.gif more info: http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/2014/10/blog-post_27.html
  9. i wanna look in spriter the animations mask. for blend 2 o more animations in one. for example run with out weapon, and the pose of the arms with the weapon, to create the run with weapon animation.
  10. this is some examples of my work progres: ice golem boss: http://giant.gfycat.com/EagerBackAmericanbulldog.gif main character: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xVU6Z_t8NO0/U918GAixwfI/AAAAAAAABtM/FAoogaT6o8I/s1600/spell_cast.gif.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CpXeeU0mNks/U918GUMVqVI/AAAAAAAABtU/ZYPATZvY7is/s1600/dragon_arm.gif.gif I am working in the walk cycle right now, solving the arms problem xD http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ybcCLlg5We4/U918GdoSWDI/AAAAAAAABtE/maDZ1TUNf0M/s1600/walk_v2.gif.gif if you want guys i can share the old version of the character animations, for the moment i cant share the new one http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TeA4XsD_B80/U8DHdvfG94I/AAAAAAAABqg/q_7XgpOmaDQ/s1600/main_char_animations.gif more info: http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/ https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=94215
  11. Hi brashmonkey support, I lost my free arts pack of the link that you sent when I bought the spriter pro version. and the links is offline, can you send me the links again?. thank you for your help. my mail is f_fman@hotmail.com
  12. Dev Log 20 . animations updates ver 2: spell cast animation: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xVU6Z_t8NO0/U918GAixwfI/AAAAAAAABtM/FAoogaT6o8I/s1600/spell_cast.gif.gif walk cycle update: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ybcCLlg5We4/U918GdoSWDI/AAAAAAAABtE/maDZ1TUNf0M/s1600/walk_v2.gif.gif Dragon arm spell: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CpXeeU0mNks/U918GUMVqVI/AAAAAAAABtU/ZYPATZvY7is/s1600/dragon_arm.gif.gif
  13. Dev Log 19 . animations updates: spell cast animation: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qWU0SEuCQis/U9yRKHfJIuI/AAAAAAAABso/25Q2hZLP0B4/s1600/spell_cast.gif walk cycle update: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GpT4Ep5C5FY/U9yRqu71UNI/AAAAAAAABsw/XJR0HSaJ1Ps/s1600/walk.gif
  14. Dev Log 18 new version of the main character, with more resolution 2 new animations with the new version of the main character. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ouopq-h7F54/U8zIOMGj45I/AAAAAAAABq4/HQY7k55S7PM/s1600/main_char_ver2_animations_update.gif
  15. Dev Log 16 new stamina system test, Dark souls style. https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-UuLqqEtuyaY%2FU8CsYd0bbWI%2FAAAAAAAABqQ%2FSsA0kUtkppM%2Fs1600%2Fstamina_system.gif&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F* faster link: http://www.gfycat.com/GloomyLeafyBluebottle Dev Log 17 main char animations updates. checking more in: https://www.scirra.com/forum/metroidvania-platform-rpg-fantasy-game-wip_t94215
  16. GameSprout game of the week for Dragon Curse Project http://www.gamesprout.com/news_items/39
  17. new updates of the metroidvania game project DragonCProject. Dev Log 13 zone intro. (black fade out). new black fade out intro for the zones. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zEZKYVpuATA/U5AJ3llWB3I/AAAAAAAABn4/3BTtHgZ-yDQ/s1600/zone_intro_test1.gif more info in https://www.scirra.com/forum/metroidvania-platform-rpg-fantasy-game-wip_t94215 http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/
  18. Dev Log 12 Here is a first concept art of the goddes http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--3wnh-iEGec/U4f71o47dTI/AAAAAAAABnc/VHP3olizbeI/s1600/first_concept_goddes.jpg first test of level up effect. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_GgXBtamTG8/U4f8BI4vmoI/AAAAAAAABng/uXeXuM8tP5c/s1600/level_up_effect.gif
  19. new oficial dev diary of my metroidvania project. "Dragon curse Project" http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot. ... ts-of.html
  20. all ice golem attacks in the alpha version. http://gfycat.com/EagerBackAmericanbulldog the link load more faster than the image attack 1------>jump attack: falls above the character,hurts him, and stun. second version: you can stun the golem if the golem falls on ice spikes on the floor attack 2------>rock ball attack: the golem transform into a solid ball of rock and ice, your only chance is avoid it attack 3------->kick attack: if you are if you are out of distance of the golem, he will spawns ice spikes in random place of the roof second version: if you are in close distance you can be crushed by his feet, or you can counter his attack. attack4------->Ice blizzard: the golem launched a blizzard of ice that can freeze you and makes you a little damage attack5-------->arms attack: if you avoid his attack, he will stuck in the floor second version: if you are in close distance you can be crushed by his arms, and you will be pushed far away of him
  21. here is the system to counter attack the ice golem. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/counter_attack.gif.gif and here some animations of the ice golem. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/ice_golem_attacks.gif
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