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I can't add body of post on forum. Only title and image!


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Hi Idurniat. I just looked over your account settings and made a test post and everything seems fine. Does this problem persist? Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

Please let me know, because if this is still an issue I'll have to put in a report ticket with the service provider ASAP.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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Sorry to everyone who's having this issue. We're working on getting it fixed. It's a known issue that's been reported to the system provider and they are working on an update build.

In the meantime, if you really need to post a question, but report etc, please make a post with just the title, then email the body text to me at mike@brashmonkey.com including a link to the title-only post and I'll add the body text into the post for you. 

Very sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, it won't take them too long to release the update which will fix this problem.

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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