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Copy/Paste char maps from one animation to another


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I'm currently working on a game which has 4 characters with their own entities which share some weapons.

My project structure is like this :

  • char 1
  • char 2
  • char 3
  • char 4
  • weapons

I created a basic animation for each and added the char maps to change weapons for each. At the beginning I had about 20 unique weapons, so 20 char maps, per character (which was already a hassle to duplicate). However I added new weapons and now have about 20 more new weapons. So you can see where I'm going with this. Creating one char map is a bit annoying with how Spriter handles the file structure (I don't understand why the left panel of the char map doesn't list the files in the same normal way as the right panel. It seems linked to the addition of each sprite in animations, ordered by time, but it makes no sense to list it like this).

So anyway, my four characters share exactly the same weapons and char maps so it's a bit annoying as well as really slow for me to manually duplicate all the weapons char maps. The Save button only seems to save the active entity. To solve this, a copy/paste feature would be really helpful and save hours of work for animations having lots of char maps. An export/import feature would be even better

I hope I'm clear enough.

Thanks !

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Ok, so since I was really annoyed by creating 54 identical char maps for 4 characters, I saved the project as scon and then duplicated directly the char maps properties inside it. I made sure char maps IDs were unique and then loaded. It worked :P Spriter even reassigned proper IDs after I saved since I had a hole in the increments for one of the char which had fewer char maps compared to the three others.

A feature to copy/paste char maps in Spriter would be safer of course but in the meantime, I finally don't have to waste time with duplicated char maps :)

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