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I just bought the pro license today to try and solve a simple issue for me but on following the first tutorial, I am stuck with an issue.

Basically I have square box with some eyes on it and I want to create like 20 different png files animating a rotation but can't get it to work on the software.

Please can anyone help with this.




Hi sysads,

Unfortunately to get proper help you'll need to be far more descriptive... Images showing your desired results would help, as well as screen grabs of what you have so far in Spriter.

At the moment it's impossible to visualize exactly what you are typing to accomplish and what is currently impeding your progress.

Mike at BrashMonkey


Hi, thanks for the reply. I managed to get it working but need more help.

- Basically I have this image and want to create a rotation animation for it - http://snag.gy/EGwXb.jpg

- So the result should look like this. I manually had to do this with powerpoint as example and its a lot of work - http://snag.gy/5QCS9.jpg but I want to make up to 20 frames

- Then I have more than 20 different images I also want to do same for.

So my issue is how do I create 20 or more frames per each image

Can I create one first and simply apply the animation on all other images to make it faster?

Note: For some reason, the rotation only works anti-clockwise and not clock-wise :(





Which game engine, authoring system or language are you using where you cant cause the sprites to rotate/spin like that at run-time? (out of curiosity) Because having all those rotated frame in memory for 20 images is very wasteful of graphics memory if you can reproduce a smoother effect grammatically at run-time.

You can simply create one animation of one of the images rotating 360 degrees, then export it at whatever number of frames will give you the resulting angles you want, and then use Character maps to swap out the original image with the other ones you want to export the same way.

Have you read the built in manual  (help/help) or watched all the quick-tip tutorials yet? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8Vej0NhCcI5sxOT64-Z31LW59VUyAVfr


Mike at BrashMonkey




Thanks for the quick response.

As you said "You can simply create one animation of one of the images rotating 360 degrees", I have watched some of the videos but it still does not work. What I have done so far is:

- Set the current time to 0/1000

- Place the image, set X & Y axis to 0

- Click on 100 on timeline and then change angle to 45 deg (but this goes anti-clockwise), then do that till I get to 900 at interval of 45 deg. this gives me only 8 images

My understanding from the videos was place the image, click somewhere on timeline like 900, then click on image and rotate and that would work but that is not the case :(

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