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Construct 2 Scml plugin with sub-pixel rendering


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Perhaps it's because I am new to spriter, but I'm having problem making descreete animations due to the lack of sub-pixel rendering (after importing vector animations through the scml-plugin to Construct 2). I was trying to make a nice tree movement with tree tops and branches doing slight rotating and strechy movement. Unfortunately the animation got really clunky once imported to Construct. The braches only switched position once they reached a change of one pixel. with an animation playing for 3 seconds with only a couple of pixel change to it, it looked worse than a static tree object. I don't know if it is me lacking knowledge or if Spriter doesn't have support of creating sub-pixel animation exports to Construct 2.


Any help would be gladly appreciated, or if the ability is missing, will it be possible to add sub-pixel rendering in the future development of the scml-plugin? :) If it's not, I won't complain. It's more of a nice-to-have feature, but it would really make the vector animation look georgeous.

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Thank you for the quick response Mike. Unfortunately it doesn't have anything to do with linear sampling. I have exported an example-project for you:




Using descrete movement on the branches make them look a bit twitchy. It's probably me doing something wrong, or perhaps I need to rethink my way I am animating the trees? :) (If I downscale the trees the animation looks even more twitchy)

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Something seems not right... do you have pixel rounding turned on in C2? You should not, if you want things to move in a sub-pixel manner.. though I though that would only effect position and not rotation.


Why do you say it has nothing to do with linear sampling? Does that mean you tried it with linear sampling and the result was the same?


Feel free to send me your capx and zip of your Spriter project and I'll see if I can figure out the cause of the problem. (mike@brashmonkey.com) 


Of course I'd share your files with no-one and would delete it immediately after looking into the issue.



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Hi Mike!


I tried both linear sampling and point sampling, but the result was the same. however! It was actually due to the pixel rounding option. Sorry for not realising that before posting in the forum section.  :???:  Spriter is working flawlessly. and the fault was my lack of experience in Construct 2. :oops:


The trees look much better now! Now I only need to work with the animation. making them look pretty


Thank you for being so helpful!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, please carefully follow the instructions here: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3327-using-spriter-animations-in-construct-2/




Hi, I just bought construct 2 & spriter pro on 24 September. Do I need to install any plugins for spriter to work with construct 2?

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