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Import Another Project Into Current not working


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NOTE: I am using Spriter Pro (r11) launched with a Steam key (Steam is running when I use Spriter).


First off I can't seem to search the forum in the Chrome Internet browser (the search button displays a blank popup - but no textbox to type) so I can't tell if this is already an issue, so I am creating a new topic in the r11 support thread.

Import Another Project Into Current doesn't seem to be working for me in Spriter Pro (r11).

I click File | Other file actions... | Import Another Project Into Current, choose any of the three modal options - but nothing happens.

No files copied, no animations from project imported.

I'm not sure if I have to be clicked on anything specific in the Animation window while importing?

I also made sure the two files are the same version of Spriter (r11) in case it was an incompatibility issue.

I also looked for an error log file in the Spriter folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spriter), but none is being generated.


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I solved it myself.

The folder containing the project you want to merge in cannot be in the same folder as the file you are merging into (even a sub folder).

Even if you choose option A (Copy to base folder and overwrite) or Option C (Copy folders as scml_file_name_folder_name).

It is likely swallowing the file system 'folder already exists' error as it doesn't error or tell you anything - it just doesn't do anything.

I put both folders at the same level and it worked.

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