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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I am starting a project that is a top-down fighting action game, and I can't find any top-down templates on the internet. of course these assets are also perfect for twin stick shooters, and stealth games. I am choosing this artstyle, because you can have a lot of horizontal freedom, without a lot of extra sprites for rotation, allowing me to focus on complex animation states. I am probably being ambitious, but that's why I want to jump off from an art pack rather than starting from scratch, I am sure other users would appreciate it as well. Thank you for reading! If I am to make any suggestions on the animations included if this art pack is made, I would add: Idle (with gun ready variant) Walking (with gun ready variant) Running (with holding gun variant) Sneaking (with holding gun variant) Sneak Idle (with gun ready variant) Dash (with holding gun variant) Shoot (gun only) Shank (melee only) I believe these would make a good starting point for most projects that decide to use this art pack
  2. Version 1.1.0


    This is the Essentials version of the Radius-Wing SHMUP Art Pack, which is free with the purchase of Spriter Pro.
    From $0
  3. Hello BrashMonkey Team. I've recently purchased the Dreamworld Adventure Pack and I'm having a blast using it instead of my poorly drawn tileset. That being said I can't find some of the assets that were presented in your promo video: For example the "grey bloc" displayed at 0:30 or the "tree" used in the "Rolling Hills" environnement and that is later modified in Krita in your video at 0:33. I'm not much of an artist and I don't own photoshop but I noticed there were some psd files. Could it be that the tree I am looking for is either in "cartoon_env_2_REMADE.psd" or "cartoon_env_2_tiles.psd" (Rolling Hills folder). Either way, is there a way for me to get these assets? I could easily use those files in a traditionnal png or jpeg format and I would appreciate if you helped me getting my hands on those assets. Also note that I do not have the essential version of this art pack (if it exists). I bought it from your web site, I did not receive it with Spriter Pro. Thank you in advance for your reply and keep up the good work!
  4. can i gain access to the spriter essential art packs if i got the steam version?
  5. Version 1.1.0


    With BrashMonkey's Radius-Wing SHMUP Art Pack, you can mix and match 6 separate components from a large array of designs to create a custom space ship reminiscent to those seen in classic arcade shoot-em-up games. Once you've arrived at your ideal design, you can choose from many thousands of possible color combinations to finalize your custom space ship. Many hundreds of thousands of possible color combinations combined with over 200 thousand possible component combinations means the possible ship variations are nearly endless. Advanced users can even customize component images or create custom color palettes to permanently increase the possibilities. After just a few quick swipes of the mouse your awesome fighter-ship will take shape before your eyes in the form of a high res, smooth 32 frame rotation animation, which you can then export for your game. Keep it large for cinematic or title-screens, and reduce it down to create your actual in-game space-ship sprite. Use the exported frames for either full in-game barrel-rolls or for subtle leaning as the player deftly maneuvers their ship between the onslaught of enemy fire. With so many possible design and color combinations, you can not only create a large variety of ships for your player to pilot, but also a whole evil armada for them to send packing back to their sector. This Art Pack also includes an impressive assortment of player shots, mussel flashes, impact effects, explosions, force-field effects and a collection of 3d rendered rotating power-up capsules which can be color-customized in the same manner as the ships themselves. With Spriter, you can creatively flip, rotate, scale and combine any of the thousand-plus images included in this pack to create and animate all kinds of cool stuff for your next SHMUP project.
    From $0
  6. Some attack (sword, bow, spear etc) and special attack animations would be nice to have. I imagine not everyone (including myself) will be using them for rpg maker. So it would be nice to be able to have them attack and do different animations.
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