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Found 4 results

  1. Hello Brashmonkey Team, I have a little bug I've encountered that needs attention. The bounding boxes are ignored or not rescaled after resizing the entire project. That's all. Thanks. - Chad
  2. Hello, I am completely new to Spriter and my question may therefore be pretty simple... I have bought a character sprite animated with Spriter but the size of the sprite is not correct and I do not want to scale the png for quality reasons. I would like to know if I can simply create new "body parts" in AI in the correct size and then just replace the png:s in the existing Spriter animation without having to remake the animation.
  3. Hello,i'm new to this forum but i subscribed because i have a big problem and i really don't know how to resolve it, I Was using spriter 11,and i finished to create all my animations but when i exported the images i saw a really strange thing infact the stand animation (that has 1 frame) was good,but the walking animation after the exporting process was a sort of resized, i don't know how to explain but the head is strangely stretched and the result is very ugly, what i can do?I tried older version of spriter but i always have the same problem. I will attach an image so u can better understand the weird problem :
  4. I made a rig of a character then tried to select all its parts to scale it down but it will only let me chance the size of the object at the top of the hierarchy. I want to make my character smaller...Is there a way to do this?
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