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Found 4 results

  1. hi, so i have updated my animation and trying to reimport it inside the construct 2 also i have deleted the scon file and importing it but as soon as i try to preview the game it gives me an error "cannot read property 'length' undefined".
  2. Hi there, I'm currently trying to work with the .scon (json) file type that Spriter exports and I'm slightly confused by some of it's translation... Q: (Using Spriter release 11) - For the root bone, the X & Y positions found in the timeline array are the same as in the editor. - However the child bones X&Y position in the .scon seem to be very different to the editor and I can't figure out if the position is relative to the end X&Y of the parent/root bone? Or something else. any info on that would be great! Let me know if you need an aditional info/pics I'm finding the bone info under: entity[0].animation[0].timeline[0].key[0].bone.angle Thanks, Clym
  3. Hi everyone, I have ported the Spriter to Cocos2d-HTML5 (JS). Based on spriter.js by: Jason Andersen, Isaac Burnds and PIXI port by Sean Bohan. --- GitHub Link: https://github.com/tewst/cc_spriter Basic example: tewst.github.io/cc_spriter
  4. I just wanted to let everyone know my full focus has switched from developing Spriter (aside from critical fixes) to getting complete and thorough documentation for developers. This will take some time, but this long overdue step is underway and I will update you when things are further along. Thank you everyone for your extreme patience thus far on the matter.
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