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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everybody, I'm a programmer and actually I'm starting a RPG inspired in Harry Potter world. The concept is very similar to the book saga, but names, story and all the stuffs have been changed to be an original game. The project is just beginning and I'm need an original sprite art for the game. The sprite and concept style is similar to Rpg Maker engine (maps and character dimensions, technically speaking), but obviously I'd like something original. What do I need? Sprites of characters. Sprites of maps. Paid job. Contact: fake.planet@gmail.com Regards
  2. What do we need help with? Create animations of our 5 characters in the software "Spriter" for our awesome game. It will be some small animations of each character and we will provide all the graphics to you. This can be a long time agreement because we will make more games in near future. We need this help kinda urgent of our first animations. Paid job, The animator will estimate the hours per each character. How to apply? Send a private message to me or reply in this topic with email / skype / portfolio / salary/hour details. Who are we? Fantasma Games is a Swedish gaming company based in Stockholm that focuses on innovative casino games for mobile platforms. We believe that the timing is excellent to innovate the casino games industry with deeper gaming experiences, testing new grounds with VR and combining three-dimensional virtual worlds with traditional casino games.
  3. Hi all, Working with a YouTuber in which will remain anonymous for now. We're looking for Spriter artists that are capable of taking a current existing character and create animations from them. The style we're going with is a side-on, 2D Punch Out type game. We need an artist or artists to produce high quality work within reasonable time-scales and work alongside the YouTuber. The game will also be pushed to Kickstarter, however you will be paid for any work before said stage. All artwork/animations will be paid in full. Happy to discuss rates. Thanks again, look forward to hearing from you. In case I don't get back to your message, please feel free to get in immediate contact with me at charlie.mcshane@yahoo.com Charlie
  4. I need an experienced Spriter animator (paid of course) to create some walk cycle and fighting animations for some characters with existing photographic art. It is for the sequel to this game: http://elev8games.com/index.php/games-menu/lost-in-paradise As mentioned, the art for these characters already exists, and I have already split up into body parts (these can be refined if needed), just need an experienced animator to do a walk cycle for each, as well as some fighting animations (slash, parry, dodge etc.) There are also a lot of existing animations that have already been done for the main character (can be seen in the video above) that need to be polished or redone. They're mostly walk cycles in 5 directions and collect animations, as can be seen in the trailer video linked above. These were done by myself without any previous animation experience, and while they probably aren't terrible they could definitely use professional polish. In addition to this there could be a lot more work in the future and a long term collaboration. Please message or reply if interested, thanks
  5. Hi guys, We're working on a commercial game utilizing Spriter animations and need to hire a Spriter animator to help us out with some stuff. We're looking for someone to help us with two tasks: the first one, a priority, is creating additional animations we need for little over a week from now - there's not a lot of them, but they need to be created for a specific deadline. The second job would be about working with us on a month-by-month basis, working with our artist to create character-specific animations for the characters that will be created for the game. If you're interested in either of the jobs (or both), please contact me at marchewkowy@gmail.com with your selected portfolio, price range (price per animation), and info whether or not you're capable of putting out an invoice for your work (even if not, do contact us either way). Thanks! Jakub
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