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Found 3 results

  1. Hey guys! So I've been animating using the free version of Spriter for only a few weeks so I'm still a bit new to the software but yesterday, my cousin (who is the programmer for our game) tried importing the folder in which my sprite and my Spriter project had been stored into Unity 2019.1. We used the SpriterDotNet plugin to get it into Unity and it seemed to get it pretty smoothly. We used the Youtube video on it to make sure we got everything right. But as soon as we imported it, we couldn't find where the animations were being stored. The pivots were all there and the animations obviously were being processed judging by the fact that as soon as we pressed player the animations began. But we looked everywhere through the scripts, through the layers, and almost every possible place and could find where the animations where being stored, therefore, we cant choose or really make the sprite doing anything. There is one thing that I found interesting. We downloaded the premade Spriter project (which can be found on the website) and as soon as we imported it, everything seemed to be completely fine. Everything was there. And my assumption is that the premade project was most likely made by the developers using Spriter Pro. Which brings me to the conclusion that this is an issue with the free version of Spriter and I now need to pay $60 for no good reason. Please help. Thank you so much! (Here's a video showing exactly what we are dealing with: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14DQ2lUh83ysdNjk_617DkI8qNbiS29m7/view)
  2. Hi, I'm having a hard time with spriter that have quite a few bugs. And not the simplest ones. As I already know spriter doesn't export large canvas spritesheet. So i'm doing on -1100 -1100 1100 300 square size where all animations goes, for future unity export. However, recently I experienced rather an annoying bug that doesn't export the full animation on 24fps. I tried everything, smaller canvas size, keyframes only, moved the keyframes in the timeline. well nothing works, the last animation doesnt load into my spritesheet, anyone know how to get around this one ? thank you
  3. Whenever I try to pull up my project file, spriter refuses to open it. I got it working once before, so I can garuntee it's not just an issue with my own stupidity. I am also able to pull up the files outside spriter.
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