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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, are there any plans of a pixi.js implementation. I am asking because my favorite engine is using pixi.js - gdevelop. Gdevelop is an open source alternative to construct2. It Builds html5 games, ready for intel XDK packaging. It's editor runs on both windows and Linux. Unlike construct2 it can also build native games - for windows and linux. In the future for mac as well. Since last year it has matured quite a bit- also got open sourced. Please give it a try and let us know what you think. http://compilgames.net/ it's github page (see its getting constant updates) https://github.com/4ian/GD Please consider making an implementation. Unlike any of the other engines you support, this one is open source. You can integrate spriter within its workflow better than any of the others. It is completely free, and you dont have to be a programmer to use it.
  2. Gdevelop can use JavaScript code events. So, surely theres a way to bring Spriter to life in Gdevelop? If so please post how to.
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