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Found 2 results

  1. Gdevelop can use JavaScript code events. So, surely theres a way to bring Spriter to life in Gdevelop? If so please post how to.
  2. In the scene view everything looks fine but in the game view the separate images constantly move around on the z axis. I can fix this by manually going in and editing each images z position but there's to much, this would take hours just to correct each animation. I'm assuming that I'm just doing something wrong. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I'm using spriter2Unity with unity version 5.3.5 there are two images attached, top is the scene view, bottom is the game view. since posting this 15 minutes ago I figured out that the reason it looks good in the scene view is because that's using an orthographic camera when in 2D mode (I assume) and if I place main camera in orthographic as well it works and looks fine, but I don't want to use orthographic because It messes with the parallax system I have set up. so I'm still trying to figure out the main issue...
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