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Mike at BrashMonkey

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Posts posted by Mike at BrashMonkey

  1. Hi kirkieball,

    If you pre-ordered on the BrashMonkey website then your purchase in in our records and as soon as Spriter pro is ready you'll be sent an email (to the email associated with your paypal payment) with download instructions and a serial number.

    For now, everyone has access to the alpha version which you can download from www.brashmonkey.com. This version is updated for the public roughly every two weeks.

    Eventually, once Spriter Pro-specific features are implimented, Spriter builds will branch between a free version missing the pro features, and the beta of the Pro version which only people who pre-ordered Spriter will have access to.

    As soon as this branch occurs, all who pre-ordered Spriter Pro will be sent an email with instructions for accessing the latest builds of Spriter Pro as it develops.

    Thanks very much for your support.


    Mike at BrashMonkey.

  2. I'll have to talk to Edgar about it when I see him online. We plan on eventually making Spriter have a very picel-art friendly mode after all the critical features are in.. so it will be a while from now, but once we spend some time focussed on it, we'll try to make it as fully featured and flexible as possible for pixel-art manipulation and creation. (not by drawing a pixel at a time, but by manipulating pixel art images without causing filtering, additional colors etc.)


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  3. Do you mean to be able to set a background color and then have the ability to export animations as full images without alpha, so all clear would be the background color that was selected?

    Ah, perhaps you mean the ability to load non-alpha png's yet tell Spriter which color should be treated as clear, use the images with that color set as clear, and then export full frames or sprite-sheets with the original background (clear) color....

    This would definitely fit into the category of features we'd want for the pixel-art friendly mode we have planned for once the other 1.0 features are all supported.

    -Mike at BrashMonkey

  4. @jmcmorris

    Yes, once the pixel-art friendly mode is in it will only allow integer positions (this includes while tweening) and wont filter anything.

    Your fastest bet right now might be an external script which would look for any float number in the Spriter file and convert it to an integer. I'll bring this post to Edgar's attention when he's awake (I'm in France so this is my shift ;) ) and see what he has to say about it.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  5. @ jcmeyer5

    Fear not, there will be other features to eventually give very easy control of animation duration etc. And the goal is to make the interface as easy to use as possible, sometimes this means numbers are critically important..we're not avoiding them, they're just not in yet.

    Also, the transform gizmo will be improved to ensure very easy use. Right now the biggest issue is that it ends up behind sprite images in z-order, making it sometimes impossible to perform certian transforms on he selected sprite without accidentally selecting the one above it.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  6. As many of you may recall from a previous update post, I'm helping game artist Renita Orellana to finish her platformer game. The game is not a BrashMonkey product, but it does tie in with the creation of our first two fully animated game art packs by the fact that we're letting Renita use them as we develop them, so we thought the Spriter community might find it interesting.


    Renita has created a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the games completion. You can find out more by visiting the official Kickstarter page here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/renitao/hyper-segtendio-siblings?ref=live

    The game is not ours, and contributing to it will not directly support BrashMonkey or Spriter, but a successful Kickstarter campaign would ensure a great third party environment art pack (by Renita) and a very fun (and casual gamer friendly) game. I'll also be using the opportunity to create several “behind the scenes” tutorial videos for aspiring game artists.

    For those who don't know, I'd already begun creating some tutorial vids which can be seen here:


  7. Hi JohnnyFlash,

    Its a great suggestion and in fact a feature thats been on our list since Spriters inception. Now that the new version of Spriter is up and running it shouldn't be too long before nice work-flow helping features like that start to appear.

    Also, there will eventually be ways to create guide lines and grids that appear in front of the canvas as well, so that the sprite images won't obscure the guides.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  8. Hi Qaz,

    We're still on schedule to hopefully deliver Spriter 1.0 around the end of December. We should also have a couple of art packs ready by then and most likely there will be more than a few fully featured third party Spriter plug-ins for popular game authoring systems by then as well.

    Updates will come at least once every two weeks now as well.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  9. Hi Bloodyaugust,

    Eventually many cool game play related features will be appearing in Spriter, including, but not limited to collision rectangles, invisible sprites for use as pixel perfect collision detection, and non collision related stuff like "action points", sound effect triggers etc.

    First though, we have to finish all the core animation features and get Spriter rock-solid on all 3 platforms. We're going as fast as we can and hope to deliver a fully featured Spriter 1.0 around the end of December. However, this new cross platform Spriter shouldbe quite useable to begin animating long before then.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  10. Hi Charles,

    So far we're on schedule to deliver a fairly robust platformer game art pack and a "game effects" art pack around the same time as the official release of Spriter 1.0 (end of December).

    Around that same time, a third party "companion art pack" should be availible with tons of environment art for platformers.

    I'll post updates periodically to show what we're working on and let everyone know if we're on-schedule.. these updates will likely start happening 2 or 3 weeks from now.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  11. Thanks much for the concise bug reporting, Surefoot. Edgar is stomping out such issues at lightning speed. With the help of users like you it won't take long at all to get things rock-solid.

    Grouping is not yet implimented but is definately a high priority, besides general bug fixing and stability of course.

    May I ask what version of Windows you're on? Because Edgar and I both test on Windows and we've not seen this text issue and we'd love to get it fixed for the next build asap.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  12. Hi NateS,

    Thanks so much for the detailed and really well thought-out post! I'm just the artist of the team but I can assure you your suggestions will be carefully considered.

    Obviously our goal for finalizing this default data format for Spriter 1.0 is to make it accessible, understandable, and comfortable to work with for the majority of users. It's a very strong possibility that some day Spriter will export to several different formats, or at the very least there will be readily available tools to convert from this default format to others hand-tailored to specific platforms.

    Edgar and I had already discussed the likelihood of settings within Spriter to limit features and change which data is exported..this is also highly likely in the long run.

    Flexibility is a huge part of our philosophy for Spriter, so we are thrilled to hear it could be useful for creating animations for your bone animation system.



  13. Hi Qaz,

    To keep things simple we just expanded the free version to include exporting PNG's with alpha (which had been the only pro feature in the current beta). And because no other pro-specific features have been added yet there's just the one beta, which anyone can download from www.brashmonkey.com

    What the pre-order does is reserve a copy of Spriter Pro once it's released at this reduced pre-order price as a thanks for your support as an "early adopter". It also reserves any one first party plug-in (pro-version) or any one 1st party art-pack of your choice, once they become available of course.

    Our plan for all 1st party plug-ins is to release a free, reduced feature version and a fully featured commercial version (similar to Spriter), but because the Spriter data format is open, anyone can create plug-ins, and unless they make arrangements with us to become the official plug-in for that specific platform, they are not obligated to follow this model.

    I hope this clarifies things,


  14. Hi Qaz,

    Sorry if we're slow getting back to you..Edgar and I are really busy working on the new Spriter beta build and art packs, as well as all the business side of things..also, just approving of real posts and deleting/banning all the spam is in itself a lot of work..eventually we should recruit a community member or two to help moderate the forums.

    I'll also respond to your other post in just a bit.

    Thanks for your patience,


  15. I'm confused kirkieball...you pre-ordered what game? Do you mean you pre-ordered Spriter? The only game mentioned on BrashMonkey is Prophecies of Nnar, but there's no pre-order for it and theres a long time before there's any builds or copy availible.

    Some Kickstarter backers have access to information about its development through a private forum, but builds are a long time from now.

    Sorry Spriter crashes on your system.. There's a totally new and cross-platform build in the works..I'm guessing that one will work fine for you.



  16. Hi moscoquera,

    Sorry for the delayed response. Have you watched the "getting started with Spriter" video? I looks to me like you did not create a project folder with sub-folders with your images in them.. I looks like Spriter is looking somewhere where theres lots of folders, but non with images, or something like that. (it's a little blurry)

    You can watch the getting started video right here:

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