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Mike at BrashMonkey

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Posts posted by Mike at BrashMonkey

  1. Hi Cloak n' Dagger,

    Have you watched the Spriter tutorial videos?

    Specifically this one:

    Long story short, Make sure you're at the very first key frame, then add and position your shadow, THEN select the shadow sprite and press Cntrl+C to copy, then choose Paste to all frames from the edit menu or press Cntrl+Shift+V. This will paste it to all frames in the exact same location, scale, angle, opacity etc.

    To fix your current issue, do nearly the same. Go to the very first key frame, make sure the shadow is exactly how you want it. Select it and press Cntrl+C, then select paste to all frames. This will change every aspect of the shadow spriter to be identical across all frames.

    As for it's key's being intermingled with other keys, I think it might just be a misunderstanding of how the timeline(s) work in Spriter. The keys of each object are completely independant, BUT if any object has a key at any point, it's shown on the main timeline as a key frame in general...but this has no effect on the keyframes or tweening of any of the actual objects...it just lets you know something has a key there and allows you to get to it quickly with the time-line minimised.

    I hope this helps,


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  2. You want to further edit your otherwise complete bone set-up without messing up your sprites. I get it.

    Worst case scenario, for now you can temporarily un-child the sprite and any child bone to that bone you need to edit, then edit it and rechild the sprite and any child bones.

    We do however have a feature planned wher you can just hold or press a key and it will temporarily free all the sprites and children from each other so you can further tweak and perfect your skeliton.

    By the way, you can stretch your bone to make it longer or shorter just by left clicking....little wite boxes will appear...the box near the tip is used to stretch the length of the bone, and of course you can rotate or move the whole bone. For now, though, you'd have to manually de-child the sprites and child bones before doing this, and then re-child them once you're done tweaking.

    I hope this helps.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  3. great lookin' art morcheebix,

    To answer your question we'd need more info.

    1) Are you just exporting the finished animation as sequential PNG images or will you be usinge Spriter support within the game engine to recreate the animations with the individual images?

    2) what exactly is the effect you're after? If you simply want the scarf's blowing motion to loop seamlessly along with the idle animation of the character, just animate them to loop perfectly in Spriter, and when you export the sequential images (if that's what you'll be doing) and it should loop seemlessly once in the game as well...

    thats my thoughts and questions for now..I hope I can help


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  4. Hi lovespriter,

    In order for us to try and help we need a lot more information.

    Are you saving the Spriter animations as sequential PNG images or using a Spriter plug-in in your code to recreate the animations at run time?

    What Authoring system are you using?

    What process did you use to build the game for the app store?

    Which app store?

    Why would the animations be changed at all by submitting them?

    Please give us as much detail as possible.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  5. Hi Everyone,

    The humble beginnings of a User's Manual for Spriter can be seen here:\http://www.brashmonkey.com/spriter_manual

    Please remember this is the very rough beginnings and is far from complete, so please report any typos, grammar issues, lack of clarity and missing information to mike@brashmonkey.com and I'll take care of it as quickly as I can.

    Withing the next build release or two, this manual will also be built into Spriter for fast and convenient (and offline) access.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  6. Hi eveyone,

    The first two art packs are getting close to finished, but can't be perfected until a few more features make their appearance in Spriter itself. Sorry for the long silence about the art-packs. I'll try and create some sort of preview for them in the next week or so.

    A marketplace for anyone who wants to create art packs or additional animations or alternate art for our first-party ones is something we have planned... It will likely just start simple, like a specific section of the forums, but will become much more sophisticated as we have time to expand on it.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  7. OK, no problem. We'll get to the bottom of it. Thanks for your patience. Edgar is trying to wrap up the detailed documentation to help developers create full Spriter support on any game authoring system as effortlessly as possible. As soon as he's done he'll get back to work on bug-fixes and new features.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  8. This is probably a complicated feature to ask for, but here goes - a way to work with high res sprites and then export a lower res version. Spriter would create a new directory with the new scaled down sprites and a new scml file.

    This would be useful to future proof my assets so that I wouldn't have to reanimate everything if using the high res versions became viable.

    This is actually a planned feature for 1.0. It's always something we considdered a very important feature.


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  9. Hi tombmonkey,

    The easy way to do that is to simply scale the chest image itself and not its bone, because bones do effect child bones and sprites, and aparently they even do so with the inheritence turned off (thanks for reporting this issue...Edgar will resolve it when he can).

    But, again, for now, instead of making the bone wider to make the chest wider, just make the chest (the image sprite inself) wider. I think this is will give the you effect your after very easily.

    I hope this helps,

    Mike at BrashMonkey

  10. Hi tombmonkey,

    to help figure out the issue and likely bug, I want to understand what you're doing better. What is the desired goal in scaling the bones if you don't want the sprites that are their child to be scaled? Is it so that their positions "spread apart" due to the scale of the bone?

    Also, would you mind emailing the Spriter project to mail@brashmonkey.com so we can take a look?


    Mike at BrashMonkey

    PS. nice art btw

  11. Now that B3 is out I checked it out. The Keyframe buttons are there, but the, to me, annoying habit of the program to place down a key whenever I make a change is still there, and I can't find any indication that you can turn that off. Which kinda makes the keyframe button inclusion slightly pointless, to me.

    There's no way to turn off this default functionality at this time. Maybe later. I should mention there will be a way to amke a modification to an object across all frames at once in version 1.0

    Right now the make keyframe buttons are useful if you want to "protect" an exact "pose" for a character(or any kind of animation) from changes you're about to make earlier in the timeline, or to basically "mark" a spot in the time line where you will want to make a new key so that the 1 and 2 keys can bring you back to that spot to work. There are a few other handy uses for it.

    As it stands now, I'd be frustrated if Spriter did NOT create a key when I altered something at a specific spot in the timeline and instead altered either the previous keyframe or all keyframes. Are one of these the bahavior you are suggesting or is there another option I've not considdered?


    Mike at BrashMonkey

  12. Fear not tombmonkey,

    The private forum had been created as a bonus for the Kickstarter backers and has been a ghost-town since we've made any useful builds immediately availible to the entire community (due to the delay caused by Edgar's injury) for the sake of fastest possible bug testing and feedback.

    This rough manual will be made publicly availible and built into Spriter very soon, as soon as it is complete enough and is checked for any misleading (or just plain embarrassing) writing, typos etc... Hopefully a week or less for them to be publicly released.

    Trust me, we'd never exclude anyone, especially a fellow monkey!

    PS, while waiting a hopefully very short time for the first release of the manual, check out this new video!

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