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Posts posted by johnsmith

  1. Hi,

    When my character reaches a ladder, I blend the whatever animation was playing to the "climbing" animation with a 150ms.

    On the ladder, if the player move up or down I resume the climbing animation, and if it stops I just pause the animation.

    But if the player dont move while the climbing animation blending isn't over, the blending is paused resulting in a weird pose.

    Is there a way to pause an animation only after its blending is over?

    I see there is a blendratio condition but as it starts from 0 to 1, and returns 0 in  the end, I'm not sure how to use it

    Any help appreciated :)

  2. Thank you for the update Mike

    That's mostly what am I doing atm (only I let Construct rename the newly imported character, will try to see what happen if I rename just the Spriter object before importing) and I can deal with it, i'm just afraid to do some mistakes in the long run ;) 

    I'm not using collision at the moment (I'm using a dummy (same for behaviors & variables)) but once the character is fully animated I might give it a try if it's not too demanding for the engine.

  3. Hello,

    First of all, thank you very much for making such a great animation tool !

    As said in the title, how do you update already imported character animation in Construct 3 ?

    At the moment I just update the zip file (with the new scml & scon) and drag & drop it again in Construct. But I end up with a new character (named with a "2" at the end) so I need to replace and delete the old one. Was just wondering if there is a better way of doing it ?

    Thank you :)


    EDIT: Oh and also, is there any example/tutorial on how to use IK (override bones) in Construct 3 ?

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