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Everything posted by biminiroad

  1. Okay what about this one! When I export with "Save as Resized/Palette Swapped Project (and images)", saving as scml works fine, but when I save as scon, the height/width properties are still the old numbers, not the new resized numbers.
  2. Oh! Thank you, and my bad.
  3. Not sure if the animation loop toggle button is working. Animations seem to be looping no matter what.
  4. Thanks! That ordering might be it, but after some playing around, I believe it's all on SpriteKit itself. For anyone else that might be using it, I found this unresolved question on StackOverflow that seems similar: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33770176/spritekit-node-zrotation-doesnt-keep-aspect-ratio-of-node-when-child-of-another#comment65871923_33770176 It might be expected behavior for SpriteKit, but applying rotations and scaling to ancestors morphs the child node.
  5. Hello! I'm using this implementation https://github.com/indieSoftware/INSpriterKit as a basic for my Swift SpriterKit project, and am running into the same problem as the author trying to get bone scaling to work. I've looked at other implementations and it seems they all unmap relative positions and scales from parents. However SpriteKit applies a parent's properties onto its children already so I figured this wouldn't be an issue, but there are certain GreyGuy examples where bones without 1,1 scaling end up looking wrong. Has anyone run into anything similar? I can try explaining in more detail if there's any confusion, but any knowledge or guide in a general direction would be great. Thank you!
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