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  1. I'm sure you've seen this in Toonboom, they have stretchy bones: http://docs.toonboom.com/help/toon-boom ... leton.html#bones_4253544452_1031318
  2. Thanks Lucid! Can't wait to see it. Playing through legends it seems like every animation they build has deformation passes as standard, such a nice result.
  3. My main hope for a skinning/deformation system is to achieve Rayman Legends style animation : limbs and torsos are constantly squashing and stretching to wonderful subtle effect. I'd pictured being able to deform by moving bones too: move the hand base to stretch the forearm. The main title on the game with it's coiled vine silhouette animating seems like it would be deformed by a coiled chain of bones.
  4. PS: I'm on latest beta 8 and windows 8
  5. Thanks for the great app! I've only just started using it and discovered a few things. I hope the bug report helps, and apologise if it's already been logged. Multi Screen Sprite Pivot Edit Bug: When I load up spriter, it likes to only appear on my primary monitor on windows. I move the window over to my Cintiq (second monitor is a tablet) and maximise. I think double tap a sprite in folder explorer in the palette to change my default pivot point for each sprite. The little black dialogue appears on my primary monitor rather than my secondary, and I can't sort it myself as it has no grabbable edge to drag it to it's proper spot on the secondary monitor. Project Location Bug I created a new project and specified it's root folder as my pieces folder (under which are walk pieces folder, idle pieces folder etc). Then on exiting I elected to save the project file (scml) up one folder above pieces, as it made sense to have it in the root. On trying to open that file on application restart, the app hung and had to be killed. I moved the project file into the pieces folder and it opened successfully. Something to do with relative paths and not recovering from failing to find a folder??
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