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Everything posted by Dengar

  1. I wouldn't mind waiting a little bit. But I would like to point out that we haven't heard from bonus2113 since last july.
  2. Out of curiosity, to any of you Spriter2Unity users out there. Do any of you Spriter2Unity users have issues during the first time importing an .scml file (or after making changes to it)? In particular when there are already prefabs present. Usually the prefabs don't behave as they should (they don't animate, or use the wrong textures, etc.), it's fixed after I delete the prefabs (and associated AnimatorControllers), then reimport the .scml file. I think I had similar problems even in older versions of the converter. Can anyone else confirm that this issue is a real thing or am I just doing something wrong?
  3. Pardon the double post, but I have an update. I decided to experiment a little with Spriter for my own project, so I tried out the aforementioned version. It appears to work just fine, so I went ahead and cleaned up the tool a little. There should no longer be any meaningless errors or warnings (I hate those). I also went ahead and updated the package and the Readme. You can find it here (a link to the Unity 4 version also exists): https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity I still won't be working on this tool full time, so I hope that someone else will fork this and continue work on it. That being said, in the event that I improve on it a little for my own purposes, I'll be sure to share. Message to admin: What do you think, what with the Unity 5 compatibility thing, is it worth creating a new topic and sticky that instead of this one?
  4. I made a pull request to bonus2113, to merge the Unity 5 update from Mythgarr's fork into it. However, so far it has not happened yet. So I went ahead and created my own fork at https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity, and merged the Unity 5 update into that. The readme is not updated, and the package has not been updated either, so you'll have to import the Assets folder into Unity by hand. I don't intend to work any further on this tool at this point in time, but at the very least I could provide a "most recent fork". WARNING: The current version is completely untested. I just merged the branches. That said, I would like to hear feedback on how it performs. Although if it's identical to Mythgarr's it should be fine.
  5. Who's working on this? With Unity 5 being a thing I'd like to know if everything still works. I'd take a crack at it myself but I have other priorities right now. :\
  6. If a prefab already exists, it won't make a new one. Oh wait, you renamed it? I don't recall if that works. It bases names on the data -inside- the .scml file iirc. I guess I'm not the right one to answer this question after all.
  7. I know how to work it but... I'm not sure if I can explain it very well. Basically you can swap the texture of individual sprite parts by (manually or through coding) swapping said texture in the prefab's CharacterMap component. Alternatively you can create entire custom CharacterMap components, and swap those (manually or through coding).
  8. Sounds like you imported the textures as texture instead of sprite.
  9. Isn't that the same as in 4.3 except with maybe a few name changes?
  10. Does this still happen when you change the z-index of each greyguy?
  11. Whoops, looks like I was a bit late to the party. Awesome that someone is resuming active work on this. Does this include the fix for that frame flicker we talked about in the previous thread? To elaborate: With the previous version, whenever you transitioned from animation A (for example, idle) to animation B (for example, walking), the sprite would spazz out during the transition because the textures keep swapping back and forth between animation A and animation B. I provided a fix for this back in april. Was just wondering if that's been incorporated in any way. I don't know much about github. Can other users contribute to a build? Is this a different problem or the same problem as the above?
  12. I'm not sure if the foldername has anything to do with it. You just need to set import mode to 2D.
  13. Oh yeah I keep forgetting that. I always set the import mode to 2D so that doesn't happen to me.
  14. When you drag the prefab onto the scene do you still see nothing? Does the prefab have any children after dropping it onto the scene?
  15. MrRagePants, what part of the process do you not understand? It's kind of difficult for us to explain or help without understanding your problem.
  16. I figured it was something like that. Thanks for clarifying. I'm assuming you CAN work with nested prefabs, it's just that when you update them while nested, it causes weird issues. That said, it's always a good idea to find out if you can get away with putting as much stuff as you can in a single prefab rather than nesting them.
  17. I honestly have no clue at this point in time, but the fact that a workaround has been found is awesome.
  18. Curiouser and curiouser... So it's not actually the AnimationEvents that are the problem, but the CharacterMap somehow has empty elements. How many elements does it have? So.... The same .scml file that gives you this prolbem in one project, does not give the same prolem in a completely new project? And when you then change the.scml file after that, the problem starts to occur, and suddenly the CharacterMap has empty spaces in it?
  19. The empty elements aren't a problem as long as they are not referenced, which, by all rights they shouldn't. Except when something strange happens. Such as one of the parameters being bumped up by one for no apparent reason. Out of curiosity, what body parts are at index 4 and 6? I'm assuming index 4 holds the correct textures. Can you like, upload the .scml file that causes the error somewhere? If you can't I'll PM you my email address. I really wanna take a look at the file itself now because clearly something is fundamentally different about it. For all intents and purposes it uses the same assets as Grey Guy right?
  20. Would you mind confirming my suspicion then? Although this is kind of hard to explain. 1) Select the character that has the problem 2) Go to the animation window (the one that shows the time line and a bunch of dots and stuff) (if it's not open, you can open a new one by going Window > Animation) 3) Along the top of the timeline are the AnimationEvents, little markers. 4) Double click an AnimationEvent. Any animation will do. 5) Look at the parameter, it will look something like this: pelvis/back_thigh/back_shin/back_foot/p_foot_walk_a;5;1;idle Disregard the last parameter, it's not very relevant to this. Focus on the first few parameters. 6) Determine from the blue parameter (the long path) what body part this event is about. In the example, it says back_foot/p_foot_walk_a, which probably means this is the back foot. 7) With your character still selected, look at the Inspector, and find the Character Map component. It should have a property named "Folders" 8) Open Folders, you'll see a Size value and a list of Elements 9) Go to the element that has the same number as the red number in the parameter you fished up in step 5. Open it. 10) You should see a few other properties, including one named "Files". Open it. 11) You should see a list of textures, which should all fit the same body part. So tell me, do the textures correspond with the body part that the function call is associated with? I hope you can understand this. Of course, this won't immediately solve the problem, but at the very least it'll prove I'm on the right track. If the mistake is somehow caused by the importer, fixing it is something that's going to take time. The problem is likely in the same area as the problem that doesn't import alpha values. Both of these require some major dissection and analysis. I may try to tackle it this weekend but don't hold your breath.
  21. Exactly what did you add to it? No extra textures right, but you added extra animations you said? It still sounds like the character map and the animations get misaligned somehow. Let me refer back to my previous explanation of how the animations and the characterMap interact. Basically, on each keyframe, a bunch of function calls are fired. They'll all roughly say like "Set the texture of child A to texture B, which can be found at coordinates [X][Y]." X represents the body part, whereas Y represents a specific iteration of said body part. So if it, say shows a foot where the pelvis should be, that would mean one of two things: -The Animation sends the wrong X value. -The target body part is stored in the wrong X value. One of those things must have changed somehow (don't ask me how, that's what I'm trying to find out) when you started playing with the animations. EDIT: Oh can you tell me something else? This may or may not be important. Before and after the error, did anything change at al in the prefab's hierarchy? Did the prefab gain a new child or parent? It really shouldn't matter, but stranger things have happened in the world of coding.
  22. That's kind of quick to give up isn't it? Have you tried reverting the sprite to a more base version? You know from a time when the sprite wasn't all weird like that? Keep a backup of your current one. But there has to be a difference between the two. Of course it's hard for me to think of solutions when I can't actually see what's going on.
  23. If I knew what causes this to happen I would be able to help more. Out of curiosity, what kind of modifications would you lose if you were to delete the prefab?
  24. Hm... This is not the first time I heard of this but have never seen it happen myself. Did you re-import the .scml file? Have you tried deleting the existing prefab and THEN re-importing the .scml file? Perhaps the animations and the characterMap somehow got unaligned?
  25. We actually talked about this in the last few posts. Unity doesn't apparently import the alpha values at this point in time. I haven't gotten around to figuring out how to get the importer to do that, so for now either change the alpha values manually, or fiddle with the importer if you feel up to it.
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