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Everything posted by ZeroRay

  1. Thanks for the reply Brash. I was happy to see the forecast was all positive, as well. Looking forward to all of the future updates. If you don't mind me asking, how did/do you guys weigh and determine the priority of features for each release? Was it just feedback from the initial Kickstarter or ongoing posts here? Thanks!
  2. Hello, I posted this in the developer forum but since I was making specific feature requests, I wasn't sure if I should post it here instead. I apologize for the double post if this is a problem. I am currently evaluating Spriter as a potential development tool for my company's upcoming project. I have skimmed through some of the forums and the Help section and didn't find solutions, so I am posting it here. I apologize in advance if there is any redundancy. We are currently creating 2D, pixel-based artwork and frame-by-frame animation. I was curious if the following features are planned to be supported -- OR -- if they are supported, if someone could point out how to use them. The following features are what would be important & useful to our ideal workflow: - Frames per second playback settings instead of percentage slider [*:2zpgvhu2]There is a playback speed slider but it is not sufficient when dealing small frame counts. [*:2zpgvhu2]If I import individual frames for 2D animations, I would want to get exact timings without ballooning the timeline artificially into the 1000+ frame mark.. Some of our animations could be 4 frames, for example. To get this to play at a normal speed would require me to have a playback speed be somewhere between 0-1%, which is not currently possible. [*:2zpgvhu2]I am also unsure if playback speed is even exported into the SCML file. I skimmed it in notepad but didn’t see any information other than the frame counts and numbers. If playback speed is recorded and can be included, this would be hugely helpful on the exporting side of things. - Pixel-based Grid, Snapping, and Nudging [*:2zpgvhu2]It is important for precision and currently there do not seem to be any grid, snap, or nudging controls/toggles for pixel-based exactness. This would be incredibly helpful for nudging the sprite image frames around instead of numerically adjusting values in every field. - Nearest Neighbor filtering [*:2zpgvhu2]The main window is always filtering with some level of anti-aliasing. When zooming in on image sprites pixel artwork, the art naturally becomes fuzzy. A preference for Nearest Neighbor filtering (so that pixel art stays sharp) would be beneficial- not only for aligning art, but also aligning precise collision to that art. There is a lot of functionality currently in the program that the team and I love, and we are dying to use this in a serious and excited manner. We realize that pixel-arted frame-by-frame animation may not be exclusively what the program was designed for, but with some of these features we can really dig in and make some fantastic stuff. Thanks a lot for your hard work, guys. Really looking forward to future development on the program.
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