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  1. I just tried out the new alpha today, and while the features looked really cool I ran into plenty of problems. Biggest bummer was that save files didn't seem to work, even though I tried multiple times I wasn't able to produce a working save file for my project. The save seemed to have specific trouble with one of my sprites, it disappeared from the image and was seen on the image list as .png in each save I tried to load (original name was head.png). Other items were somewhat in their places, some flying around, and one image seemed to have occasionally duplicated itself. If I tried to select the missing png instant crash followed. Also, when I delete a frame the view gets lost, I thought it had crashed the first time, but managed to find my image again after some scrolling. Run into a few more random crashes, but can't really remember what I was doing. One of my saves crashed straight at load. I'm pretty sure one crash was when I tried to play my animation as well. I can't wait to get animating on spriter, I really love how easy and fast it is to use in general. I guess I'll need to wait for the next update to be able to save stuff?
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