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Everything posted by Pnikosis

  1. Hey Nekete, The current version actually exports to native Unity animations already - I will be making a default module for the new version that doesn't require any plugins and makes an animated skinned mesh, though. These will also use native Unity animations. This is awesome. I'd love to help somehow, but I'm quite new to Unity, so... well maybe testing in the meantime.
  2. Hi guys, first of all, this is my first message, so hello and nice to meet you all. I know I'm late in this discussion but I'd love to have an additional feature in the format, sorry if this has been covered before (I made a search, but didn't find anything). Having a custom property, or even better: an array of custom properties. Just with two fields, 'name' and 'value'. In my current game, where I implemented my own skeleton based animation system, some bones were "attached" to physical objects, and some other bones weren't, so I'm able to switch from an animated character to a ragdoll quickly (just create a physical 'bone' attached to its parent and let the physics engine do the rest). So in this case for example, if I want to port my poorly programmed animation system to Spriter, a custom property for each entity/bone like "isInRagdoll" would be quite useful. Just my 2c :)
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