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  1. I am using Spriter Pro with Unity, with the help of https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX exporter I have some issue with the sorting of the sprite's Z Order. The problem: Sprite that are assigned to be at the back is appearing in the front after exporting. Additional Notes: The spriter prefabs are generated via code. In other words, they are not placed in using the Unity Editor. I did set the exported prefab as a child of another object. Now this is the weirdest part, I have 2 game screens that displays the Spriter Prefab. However, in one of the screen, it is displaying fine, but on the other screen, it is not. Everytime. The methods used to display the display each time is exactly the same. (Using the same function). With some research, one of the solution is to switch on the "Apply Spriter Z Order" checkbox. This does resolve the Z Order issue, BUT, it also makes the Spriter Prefab always behind everything else. I need the prefab to be above some objects so that will not do. The request: I hope for an alternate solution to resolve the Z Order issue. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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