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Found 4 results

  1. Hello! I've purchased Spriter Pro and have been enjoying figuring stuff out. In order to expedite the process I decided to grab some of my favorite sprites from old games and try re-creating some animations. But I hit a snag with the IK. I set up a character in a "standing" pose and figured I'd try using the IK to make him bounce or crouch or something. I set both his toe and lower leg bones to be anchored, and started fiddling by dragging the character around by his "root" (a bone I added just to serve as a "handle" for the whole character). It seemed to work great! So I set some key frames and then when I watch the animation preview, and the results are not what I expected. I made a video: My capture wouldn't do the whole window, but you can see me setting up the anchors here, then setting the pose, and at about 35 seconds in the animation preview begins and you can see him doing the wrong thing, feet sinking below the origin line, front leg rotating up, etc. I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong in the way I set this up, but no idea what it is. I've also attached a screen shot and my zipped up project file if that helps anyone spot what I have set up wrong. Thanks for your help! (And for the cool software!) spriterTest.zip
  2. Has anyone notices that IK is applied to all entities and animations within those entities? Is there a way to apply IK to only specific animations? Thanks
  3. Hello, I was using the "Spriter Free" edition for a while and thought the program was so great, I needed the Pro version. Seeing that it was available on Steam made it a no-brainer for me. However, when I upgraded to the Pro version and attempted to use the inverse kinematics "locking" feature that was mentioned in the tutorial videos (the ones that appear every time I open the program) doesn't seem to work and I can't find any buttons or other shortcuts that have the same features. Has this been removed, changed?
  4. Hi, I would like to know how i would go about rigging and animating this character because i keep getting line breaks. Maybe the character is drawn wrong for animation? I tried breaking it apart and i tried to keep the character parts together but no luck. Thank you to anyone that can help me with this problem.
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