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Found 2 results

  1. I keep getting the error that I am missing these two DLL files the thread is so titled. I've tried downloading them, both 64 and 32 bit, put them in the right places, but i get the "application failed to start" error with code "0xc000007b". I've tried uninstalling the redist packages (32 and 64) for 2010 per instructions and reinstalling, no go. I need to use this software, you guys! Help! Windows 10 64, fresh install, fully updated.
  2. Spriter 2D: Game Maker Studio extension package SpriterGM is DLL based extension package for Game Maker studio Requirements: GameMaker studio 1.4+. 1.1.0 update: added manual bone control added two bone IK minor bug fixes Installation: 1. Create new game maker project. 2. Download SpriterGM extension from Github SpriterGM.gmez or YoYo Marketplace 3. Drag and drop SpriterGM.gmez file on Extensions folder in resurces window of your game maker studio project. 4. Select SpriterGM package in Extensions folder and open propierties window (Alt+Enter) 5. Select Import Resources tab and press Import all button. Example projects: Example 1: Loading spriter instance Example 2: Animations blending Example3: Spriter event trigger uses Project source code: SpriterGM Github SpriterGM guide: Spriter 2D integration for Game Maker 1.4+ Tutorial video:
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