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Found 2 results

  1. I'm setting up a Spriter animation pipeline at the studio I work at, but we've hit a serious blocker. We need to have the ability to have several artist work in parallel to create animations for the same entity. However, when trying to merge our files it creates duplicate entities. This in itself wouldn't be an issue, but when trying to move / re-assign the animation to one of the the chosen entities, the animation which has been moved becomes glitched and cannot be viewed. The behavior is a bit weird, in that I can temporarily "trick" Spriter into displaying the animation, provided I first click on an animation from the entity with which it was previously assigned. This makes me hopeful that the data isn't lost, it's just that Spriter is getting wires crossed when trying to display it. I've linked a video of the issue in action. You can see near the end that I demonstrate the issue of the animation disappearing and reappearing several times. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mfk8npkw769srm6/bandicam 2016-09-09 16-05-08-069.avi?dl=0
  2. Hi, I am facing today a bit annoying problem in Spriter Pro.. I have created character and assemble all bones.. save the file and with the next opening of file my character hand fingers disappear. They still are in hierarchy panel and in this panel, bone+picture, but in working from I don't see those fingers only bones. However, on the spot where suppose be finger is a thin line.. I will appreciate any help and advice how to solve this problem. Aha, I tried to create new file and the same thing happen that hand fingers disappear. PS English is my second language so please forgive me all my grammar mistakes
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