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Found 2 results

  1. Hello! I am trying to make a game with spriter sprites. :-P Basically, my problem is I just want to add separated parts of images as a resource and move it around with joint codes; For that, I need spriter to export all these separated images' origin(pivot x, y) and it's x, y, and direction in every frame separately(including key frames (like the "images" section in png/gif export)) to a nice (*.txt) file. So now, their is my question : does Spriter supports this feature? I think it should, pretty much because it says Spriter is a game animation solution or something. :-|
  2. Hey, I've got a problem and I can't come up with solution. I've got a skeletal animation made in Spriter Pro. I import it into my Unity project using spriter2unity plugin. It works like a charm. Now i want to modify the animation with some code. Id like to move/rotate some parts or my model (particularly head and neck of a dragon) to follow a mouse. Yet it looks like it is not possible to move parts of Spriter game object, because they always move back to they original position/rotation imported from spriter. Does any one know how it can be accomplished? Thanks in advance.
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