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Everything posted by JuanGdC

  1. Played with both solutions yesterday SpriterDotNet was able to import everything semlessly, whereas Spriter2Unity struggled with some of the animations. I ended up using SpriterDontNet but the lack of integration with Unity´s animator seemed like a huge throwback (I love state machines). That is the reason why I coded a simple solution that integrates SpriterDotNet with Unity´s animator, you cannot modify the animations in Unity but you can use the animator as you would do with regular animations. A self-explanatory video: PD: Be sure to turn on the subtitles
  2. Hey @loodakrawa , Great job. Just one question, what would be the main differences with @Dengar´s implementation (https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX) regarding Unity? EDIT: Btw the .NET Standard 2.0 is avaible in Unity now
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