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Posts posted by Unrighteous

  1. Hey, no need to reply anymore. I had purchased Spriter because I didn't want to dish out $300 for Spine. I realize the mistake I've made now. I'm now out $80 CAD.

    After struggling with various aspects of Spriter, such as the general baffling design of the UI, timeline, other various functions, and the frustratingly barely-functional and bug-ridden Spriter2Unity and Spriterdotnet, and wasting my entire Saturday; I began browsing help forums (for the hundredth time) and discovered Puppet2D. I bought it for $30, and I'm honestly shocked at how much better it is in every aspect over Spriter when it comes to Unity.

    I realize Spriter needs to work with other engines, and it's disadvantaged over engine-specific tools, but even considering those factors, it's really bad.

    I don't mean to offend you, and I'm not going to ask for a refund (though, I doubt I'd get one anyway), as it was my mistake to purchase Spriter without further research and testing of your free trial.

    However, I wanted you to know that you have failed me. I will likely never use Spriter again, as I doubt Spriter2 will be any better; though, I hope you prove me wrong.

    Enjoy the $60 USD that I've gifted to you.

  2. Hello,

    I had this problem in 3DS Max with their biped rig. I'm locking my rigs feet with IK, and I simply want them to bend down; so I move their core down, and it seems to work. However, when I play the animation back, their feet move in a circular motion even though they should be static. Normally, I could fix this by keying every frame; but since Spriter works in milliseconds, that isn't really an option.

    Is there a way to fix this? or a way around it?

    Thank you.

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