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Everything posted by CJX3M

  1. Wow, thanks for the reply, and no problems, pretty sure its hard to keep looking at all our post and still continue the awesome work you have done so far Will try this once I get back. Currently on vacations.... might try it on a siblings pc, don't think I could wait month and a half to try it Thanks!
  2. No idea how to solve my issue???? I hadn't been able to come with a solution neither
  3. I'm trying to add some attack animations to my character. This are melee, so combos are a must. I'm trying to add an extend arm jab, but given the orientation of the bones, I'm getting some weird animation The forearm bones is pointing to the left And, on the end animation point to the right as to extend the arm So, how can I avoid that arm arc in order to rotate the bone direction???? It looks weird
  4. this looks like a neat feature. I'm also planning on doing an side scroller rpg where the character can be customized. This will come in handy Thanks
  5. Well, I will give it a try, but, the thing is, its not even changing to the walk animation, it's stays on idle. I did expose the move variables in order to see if its changing, which it does. I'll add some trace to the console in order to see if it's entering to the conditions Thanks! Edit: Well, the epsilon didn't helped much. Actually, it was the transition time I don't know if its set on millisecond, but I think it was quite high. Setting it to 1f worked for me, but pretty sure it will give me trouble in the near future. Any way, I got it to work as well with the jump and fall down animations, even as to make the fall to play from any state, and that's awesome, but now, I'm trying to achieve the following In my list of animations, I have a couple i want to use, startJump and landJump. startJump should happen from the moment the player press the jump button, no issue there, but now, I want to add the vertical force for the character to jump at the end of the animation and so the jumpUp and fallJump animations plays I achieved to do the following It works perfectly, but, as you might imagine, the AnimationFinished event keeps on triggering, over and over again, so the character is jumping constantly Tried to remove the eventHandler, but to no avail Any idea how to achieve my desired result. I was thinking on using blend, I still need to try that, but any advice would be pretty much appreciated
  6. Hey, I have another issue I think I-m getting the hang of working with your plugin. I was just getting the hang of using the animator when I decided to switch to your plugin, so please, bear with me. I think I'm doing all correctly, but I'm not getting my animations swapped As shown in my spriter file, I have 6 animations Which are correctly present in the UnityAnimator object So, I check that my character is in the ground and the move is different than 0 to trigger "Walk" or equal to 0 to trigger "Idle", but it's not doing so Any idea what am I doing wrong????
  7. Hi there I tried using your plugin in order to import my spriter character But I'm not getting the controller nor the prefab I think I should get I have currently a single entity with several animations But, when importing to unity following the steps on your git, this is what I get Dragging the char prefab gives me nothing And I have no controller.prefab as well I previously used Spirter2UnityDX, which, worked perfectly, but given your plugin seems to be more complete, I decided to try yours and looks like I'm doing something wrong Thanks for the help Edit: And I feel like a complete idiot I just saw that, my character is behind the background. Just need to move it to the front Sorry for bothering
  8. SO, I have a little question here I'm new to this, even though I had had this program for over 2 years, I hadn't taken it uppon myself to get started until recently. I'm trying to do the smothest animation posible, and for so, I'm working on mis state animations. For example, I'm doing the following sequence Idle -> start to walk -> walk -> stop walking -> idle My question is, If I want that the first key frame on the walk animation it's the last key frame on start walk animation, what's the best way to do this? Thanks
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