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  1. Yes, that is correct. I am trying to get a tweened animation of it flipping on both dimensions, not a rotation.
  2. I'm sorry but this is just ridiculous... Why in the world would you not allow both a negative x-scale and a negative y-scale? When you attempt to do this, Spriter automatically flips them both back to positive and applies a 180º rotation. THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING. If you want to see what I mean, start a new spriter project. use any image that is not symmetrical to more easily see what is happening. Add the same image twice, flip the second one of them horizontally (-1.00000 x-scale). Now you have the same image twice with one of them being a mirror image of the other. Now, somewhere down the timeline, key all and make them both -1.00000 y-scale. So what you would expect to see when you play the animation is 2 images, one a mirror of the other, flip vertically. But click the play button and see what actually happens. Instead of the 2nd one flipping vertically like the 1st one, you see it flip horizontally and rotate 180º, the frames between the keys are very different and demonstrate how negative scaling in both directions IS NOT THE SAME as just rotating 180º.
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