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  1. Guys, thanks for your answers. I have one more question. I've made animations in Spriter for the same player. When I import them in Unity, the transition between animation idle/fire, jump/fire are good. But the transition from walk/fire shows me in the same time the hands(2) of the player when he walks and the hands(2) when he fires, so I see 4 hands in the same time. I've been trying couple of weeks to solve this problem, and I noticed that in my idle, jump, fire bones names are different from walk bones names. Example: Idle/jump/fire - "head_001"; Walk - "head". Can the problem be in different bones names for different animations? Thanks.
  2. Mike, thing is that my death animation have no bones.
  3. Mike, thanks. Now I'm having problems with my death animation for the player. I've made some animations, everything went well, except death animation. You can check the video from Spriter and the video from Unity. 1. Spriter When I reimport my *.scml file in Unity I get this animation... 2. Unity Can someone help me solve this problem? Thanks.
  4. Hi. I have an issue. When I'm importing my Spriter project into Unity the importer will loop endlessly. Can someone explain to me what does this words means: "A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings." ??!?!?!?!? Thanks in advance.
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