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Posts posted by Aoinanaya

  1. 25 minutes ago, lucid said:

    It's not 64 bit, as the RAM issue never came up before recently, though we may end up releasing a 64 bit version.  If you're only using 317MB of ram, then 64 bit probably won't help you anyway.  


    So, just double checking, you tried it in a folder with no images, so it looks like this?: When you go to task manager, how much cpu does it show Spriter using?  Also, how much free ram and cpu usage are you at?  I need all of this information:

    Also,  how much ram and cpu when you do have images? 

    CPU usage: 26.3%
    Memory: 309MB


    CPU usage: 30%
    Memory: 326MB



    BTW like i said in #3.

    sometime i restart my computer and open my scml. ok lag reduced little bit. but still can't work on it.
    In task manager, the CPU usage are just 15~20 on running laggy animation.

    New: Has a chance that working smooth, when i restart my computer. Software competition?

  2. 19 minutes ago, lucid said:

    hi @Aoinanaya 

    First, try upgrading to Spriter r9 - it has access to a larger ram pool than previous versions.  That alone might will fix it.  I suspect it will, since you're having lag even after deleting several entities.   This could mean it's just running out of ram trying to store all the images (there's almost 1000 for this project). 

    I also think you'd have better luck with png files rather than gif both for quality and size, though it's probably a bit late for this project.  If you ever decide you want to try converting it, you could do it by copying the entire project folder to a new folder (in case something goes terribly wrong), then use some type of batch image conversion software that will keep the same file name and only change the extension.  Then do a find/replace on the scml file replacing  .gif  with  .png

    If upgrading to r9 doesn't work, please try copying the scml file to an empty folder (just the scml with no images), and then running it there, and let me know if it still lags.

    Also, generally, as @thorthur said, it's usually best to keep each file with just one entity, or a few related entities, though in some cases (like your project) you need at least a few of the entities together to use sub-entities.

    Let me know if the upgrade helps.


    All tryed at topic post before. keep laggy.now i'm using R9, The Steam force me to update in 8/30 anyway.:/
    And like i said before. single entites / imageless still not working for me. 

    Quote my reply:
    OK i deleted the "Natane" Entity and save /reopend it.Still nothing changed ,there are laggy :/
    I try deleted all entity wtihout
    "Natane"'s and save/reopend. Still laggy.


    BTW this is a 64Bit software right? i load my scml file then just running  317MB show in my task manager.(R9
    like you said, If there are easy to running out ram ,so why that will be a 64bit? :/

  3. 48 minutes ago, thorthur said:


    Just opened your .scml file and it appears to me that it's growing too big to be efficiently handled by Spriter.

    From my experience, Spriter begins struggling with .scml containing around 150K lines. Yours is approx. 338K lines, so no wonder Spriter has a hard time coping with it.

    My piece of advice: split that into several smaller .scml files.You've got 25 entities, try to isolate the biggest ones like "natane" into their own file.


    thanks for advice , but notice my said: This problem are appear recently.

    i dont think the Spriter Pro so weak for them. there are 64bit right?

    8/3 , that time i haven't create Ye spider / Ye tank Entitys. smooth working. 

     8/13 before, Ye spider created and that are stiil smooth working, scml haven't change anything.my version are Spriter Pro R8. 

    Now has a blank time. After 8/23 ,They starting laggy , i try use my Surface pro and open this. there are laggy too.
    note:  "all Entitys has girl name , Nigel , etc" are starting laggy.

    sometime i restart my computer and open my scml. ok lag reduced little bit. but still can't work on it.
    In task manager, the CPU usage are just 15~20 on running laggy animation.


    OK i deleted the "Natane" Entity and save /reopend it.Still nothing changed ,there are laggy :/
    I try deleted all entity wtihout
    "Natane"'s and save/reopend. Still laggy.



    E.G: This scml file are starting on 1 years before and i buy pro on the same time. there are working more then 1600 hours not include the Free one used time.

    There broken and crash my spriter so much and buggy entity include i know that.So i think my scml file are already broken.

    • Hi! Brashmonkey

      I send you a same PM in FACEBOOK but you havent any response to me so i post in here.

      AnywayThis is a scml file not include any image.


      BTW i'm not for show you what i making, more important about something Entitys are very Laggy ,

      make me can't keep my works going.

      Can you fix it? it problem are appear recently.

      my PC spec: I5-3550 / GTX970 / 8G ram / Windows10 Home

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