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Everything posted by Gears94

  1. Thanks Ill take a look at that. Spritelamp is used to create a normal map for a 2d sprite for lighting in a game engine and they have a shader plugin that goes along with it and it also generates other maps as well but the main one you need is the normal map. The reason I like the way you get the animation into unity is because it keeps all the body pieces separate and I wouldn't have to create a normal map for each frame of the animation just each body piece which of course would save a ton of time.
  2. This is really amazing and being new to spriter and unity (was using ue4 but switched to unity for the easier programming in c# with unity) and also programming lol this is very helpful and would like to thank you for taking the time to make this and improve it. I also wanted to use spritelamp with my animations and after a bit of googling for how i might be able to do this (which is simple to do i know but im still very new to programming so i had to google a bit lol) I was able to come up with these lines of code added to UnitySpriterAnimator.cs inside the method ApplySpriteTransform Material newMat = Resources.Load("Materials/" + sprite.name, typeof(Material)) as Material; if (newMat) { renderer.material = newMat; } which is working so far but the limitations of this is the fact that you have to create the resource folder then the material folder(which is an optional folder but would need to removed from the code if not used) in the resources folder then I place the material in that folder which will need to be named the same as the sprite. Was wondering if you think there is a better way of doing this. Not having the resource folder or materials made will just work like normal and attach the default sprite material. Its late so i have not done a full animation with all parts with their own materials but i did just 2 parts of a simple animation i did and it seems to be working fine.
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