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  1. Hi everyone, We’ve been working on an indie game project called Initiation for the past few months. Currently in development for a released on PC, it’s a 2D platformer game. We’re using Spriter for all characters animations. We’re currently working on creating a stable build for the demo but you can get a glimpse of what we’ve been doing in this trailer video: Since we’re here to talk about animations, here’s a showcase of our main characters animations: Walk to run to walk again Jump Climbing stuff Falling a little too fast There another creature we’ve been working on: (Thanks to Bwwd for his advices, you’re a great guy If you want to know a little bit more about our game, you can check the official website: http://initiationthegame.com We’d love to get feedbacks from you so don’t hesitate to tell us what you think about all of this. We hope to talk to you soon.
  2. Bisoux

    Animation work

    Hey guys, I'm working with Tibro on a 2D plateformer. Since I know he doesn't feel like his animations are good enough to be shown. As a good friend 'll do it for him Here's a link to video showing his work: Video Tell him honestly what you think. I'm sure it'll be a good experience.
  3. Hi guys, I've created an asset a few days ago. Something that's helping me a lot with my game development. It's an asset that can automatically replace all clips in an animator so you don't have to replace them one by one each time you import your scml. Also events and curves are transfered. Changes in durations clips are taken into account. If like me you are changing your animations again and again. Check it out, I'm sure it'll help you. It's a pretty good complement to SpriterToUnity I've made a youtube video to explain all that : Video And here's the link to the asset store if you're interested: Asset store Thanks for listening.
  4. Sure. You could do it like this. // Update is called once per frame void Update () { float velocityX = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); if (velocityX >0 && !facingRight) { // ... the player. FlipHorizontaly (); } // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right... else { if (velocityX <0 && facingRight) { // ... FlipHorizontaly the player. FlipHorizontaly (); } } }
  5. /** * Flip the player horizontaly **/ public void FlipHorizontaly () { // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing. facingRight = !facingRight; // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1. Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale; theScale.x *= -1; transform.localScale = theScale; } There you go
  6. Thanks. We got the key and it works perfectly fine with the 6.2 version.
  7. Hi dengar! I'll try your mecanism update on the SpriterDotNet package. Looks perfect for what we're doing. I'll get back to you very soon. EDIT: Not quite good yet. I get some weird results when using this. Still needs a little bit of work
  8. Awesome man. Will try that tomorrow morning. i'll get back to you when it's done EDIT: We don't have any spriter Pro key at the moment. We've just asked for it by email. In the meantime, we can't download the raph project. It says that the page isn't available for my account.
  9. Hi bwwd and thanks for your answer. Looks like we're doing the same thing while using this feature. So it might be something link to the environment. I'll link a video to this post so you can see exactly what we're doing. Could you give your openGL version and tell us if you're in 32 or 64 bits? We're currently in 4.4 openGL and 64 bits 7 Pro. Link to the video ==> Video
  10. That looks nice. The problem is that Spriter crashes every time we double click on a sprite with the "skin mode" enabled. Even on a brand new project with only one bone and one png EDIT: Searched a little bit and it looks like you found a way around those bugs. Could you do a step by step of on how you make it work? Just really really simple project. Like 2 bones and 2 sprites just to see if we're doing something wrong. Maybe Windows is also the problem. I read somewhere that someone was using Linux. Maybe it was you ^^ Can't remember. I might create a Dual boot and then try again, see if it solve the problem.
  11. Hi guys, I couldn't find something really talking about how to properly prepare your sprites before using Spriter, but I'm sure it'll be very interesting to share knowledge about that subject. Our team has made a lot of progress regarding animations but we can't figure out how to avoid overlapping sprites and/or weird continuity of our character's sprites. So basicly we have a creature that looks like this. And we want to make some kind of smooth tentacle movement. ~~~~ <- like this ^^ But it makes something like that. Either you got hole when you rotate them. Either you have to overlap but it makes that weird bumpy/overlap kind of problem. Not so smooth. Do anyone have an idea about how to get over this problem? We're currently trying to change size as we rotate sprites but that's not really concluding. Thanks guys.
  12. I had the problem a few day ago. I've just put my "order in layer" in unity manually and unchecked "Apply Z order". I believe I've also removed all z position in my sprite's transform. Don't forget to double check that all your character's sprites have the same "Sorting Layer". Hope it helps
  13. Hey Rnd. I had a similar problem the first time I tried importing my scml. I had two depths of folder for my sprites in my spriter project. Like: -> Head -> Body parts -> Hands -> legs Spriter2Unity gave me all my sprites but they were totally misplaced. Maybe you have the same problem?
  14. Had the same problem a few days ago. For some reason the unity package doesn't contain this option. You have to download Spriter2Unity files with github and import them manually. It should make your option appear
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