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Posts posted by Bioz

  1. Welcome to the Spriter community monkeyBrash. Thanks for creating this implementation. I'm sure it will be helpful to many people.



    Mike at BrashMonkey



    Hi guys!

    me and a friend made this C++ implementation.

    it works with SFML, and is based in a .NET implementation..


    the only class that you need to rewrite to adapt the renderer is in:



    it could be useful meanwhile.









    So is this then the official C/C++ api for Spriter?

  2. I'm implementing a c++ importer for my engine, have had a modest success but found several issues.

    For example, there are some animations from "AdveturePack" "Goblin_enemy.scml" which I can not play correctly and have weird things inside like "abs_x", "abs_y", "abs_pivot... etc.

    Of course I can figure what they could mean, but I have no found any reference in documentation :

    {C}http://www.brashmonkeygames.com/spriter ... atspec.pdf{C}

    {C}http://www.brashmonkeygames.com/spriter ... cation.pdf{C}


    I have also an issue with the curve_type="instant". Sometimes I have found this tag in Mainline... shouldn't they be in Timeline ? at least is what I did understand from reading the doc above.

    help please :(

    That top link is down ( http://www.brashmonkeygames.com/spriter/8-17-2012/compactformatspec.pdf). It generates a http 404 error , page not found.

  3. Is there a generic C or C++ library which can be used to load the Spriter exported animations into some class or struct object that can then be accessed with graphical library independance?


    I am not looking for something that will draw anything to the screen. I am only looking for a library that can be used to access time-based tranformational data required to render. For example, given time=1second and objectID=5, it should be easy to get rotation, scaling and translational information.


    Also, is there a list anywhere of all the API's?

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