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Posts posted by Dengar

  1. One more thing about pivot, why it's can't be translated to unity. I know it's tough to write and translate stuff to unity but just asking to get know how about working. 



    Actually when I made the converter I didn't even know you could set non-default pivots. I don't actually think it's too difficult to impliment. It's just addition/subtraction.

  2. I know the converter is imperfect. I only created it when I was hobbying with code. And I tend to get like into this programming 'mood' only like one or two times a year for a month or two and then it dies down again.



    One more thing. The Spriter file doesn't ever imports successfully in the first run. I must have to force quit unity then mark all the image assets as Sprites from the Inspector and then have to change the spriter file name to get prefab and animation controller. Is I am the only one facing this? or this is meant to be done this way (there are anomalies which prevent it from importing the way it should).


    It's a known issue but I have not yet examined what might be the cause. I've tried to make my code as readable and easy to work with as I possibly could but only a few people have come up with their own additions.


    Why unity is writing values between keys Frames? I have a pipe. It's x scale is 1 from frame 1 to 200 but Unity it self is setting it's upto 5 between these frames and set's it 1 when you reach 200. why it is so?

    I... honestly can't say.
  3. Ok So what do I do if I want to scale up all graphics? As I told you I was planning to create a bounce effect. 

    Ok Alright about it if Spriter didn't support this I will do some trick to achieve this. I am just curious how will I flip my Graphics? Flipping is also not working when importing to unity. definitely it wont, As it's also done in Spriter with a Negative scale ! Right?



    About scaling: You can just scale the parts instead of the bones without problems.

    About flipping: You can do this just fine by using negative scale (on the parts! not on the bones).

  4. I did hastily implement some "compensation" for bone scaling, but I wouldn't surprise me if that didn't fix all the issues concerning bone scaling. Translating bone scaling into Unity is very difficult, trust me.


    Unity does not have anything that actually behaves like a bone. Empty game objects can pretend to be bones as far as rotation and positioning are concerned. Scaling just cannot be directly translated properly. I'd have to figure out the math that reflects the scaling onto the body parts instead of the "pretend bones". I managed to do part of this, but there might be some variables I have not accounted for.

  5. Are transition types implemented? It looks like it ignores curve types. For example, trying to implement a quick an instant change from one position to another, but Unity will always smooth the curve between the two.


    I am working on modifying the importer for it, but was wondering if I am just doing something wrong.


    Do you mean transitioning between different animations? Because you have to create animation transitions manually anyways. If you want to make them instant you have to edit the transitions yourself to be instant.


    Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean like the location of a body part "snapping" to a different location instantly? Can you please elaborate?


    Hello Guys, I have a question which I can't get my head around ...


    I'm trying to use Spriter together with TexturePacker. I tried some alternatives:


    1. Following the tutorial to make these 2 softwares together (www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVVnby8OeDo). I could get the png and json exported, but when imported into Unity, the images don't get cut into single sprites, and the PrefabBuilder errors out.


    2. I created the spritesheet in TexturePacker, and imported it into unity (gets cut up into single spritesheets). I then tried to modify the PrefabBuilder.cs to allow these kind of files, without success.


    Did anyone find a way to solve this issue? 


    I would appreciate any help!


    Creating a Spriter Entity in Unity from an atlas is a completely different process that I haven't examined fully, but it's more complicated than doing it the normal way. So to implement that it would require a separate block of code.

    It's not very high on the priority list to implement anyway because there's a very easy way to deal with this:


    -In Spriter, use separate textures for each part.

    -In Unity, use the internal Sprite Packer feature to auto-generate an atlas.


    Although I might implement a small feature that automatically creates a packing tag so you don't have to do it manually. You'd still have to generate the atlas, but you won't have to tag them anymore.

  6. @jayderu Regardless, thanks for the heads up. I still think it's a strange issue, and I wonder what's causing it. DX should automatically set the import settings for you no matter what they are. I er, will try to take a look at it after the minor fixes & updates.


    @Huoh I've never even thought of people doing dynamic reparenting. As of this point in time it's not a supported feature. I'll make a note of it in the opening post and will maybe see if such a feature can be implemented in the future.


    @GenericGameDev I'm not quite sure what's up with that. It's probably some minor kink in the code somewhere that is causing it to happen. I'll add it to the things to fix next update.

  7. It likely is working and I don't know what I'm doing. I need to learn how to pick starting animations and trigger animation changes in imported Spriter projects. That's likely the next video I'll make once I know what I'm doing in that regard.


    This has some overlap with Unity's standard tutorials. I suggest you watch a few of those.


    http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/animation/animator-controlleris the most important one. It's the same for 3D as it is in 2D.


    http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/animationremaining animation tutorials


    You should be able to learn all the basics for your own videos.

  8. Uhhhh yeah, while importing the entire .zip technically DOES work, it also imports a bunch of unnecessary files. Said files are handy for developers looking to edit the project itself, but not for the end user. Unity even protests against importing them in that manner.


    -Instead of clicking the "GitHub link", you should click the "Package Link" instead(https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage)
    -This will download a .unitypackage file

    -Just drag and drop the .unitypackage file in your project's project view


  9. I have pro. That said, I have not worked on any pro features. Or on the tool at all in the last few weeks.


    When I work on it again (and I don't know when that is), my priority is to get the issues that were mentioned over the past few pages out of the way, and making sure all vanilla features work as intended.


    After that, the order will likely be CharacterMaps > Subentities (whatever those are) > Sounds > Boxes > Triggers > Any feature I don't know about yet. To me this seems like a most-to-least important order.

    Inbetween those, there's also some quality of life features on the Unity side I'd like to add. Like maybe a Settings menu where the user can customize certain details about the import. And the ability to generate OverrideControllers.


    But again, no ETAs on any of those. It's strictly on a whenever-I-have-time-and-feel-like-working-on-it basis.



    But again, open source.

  10. 1. Go to 

    SortingOrderUpdater.cs script


    2. Go to Update() method


    3. Change

    float newZ = trans.position.z;


    float newZ = trans.localPosition.z;


    and then you should be good with sorting layer issue



    Really, REALLY? Dang. If I had known this sooner I would have fixed it long ago. Thanks for the heads up though. Next time you find out something like this, let me know, or create a pull request. I'll add it to the next update regardless.


    I still can't believe I made a basic mistake like that and had it go unnoticed for weeks.



    Go through all your images and make sure they are set to Sprite2d. We had this problems with images being still set to Texture or Advanced. Even though Advance does 2d, we found that problems such as infinite loop occurs.


    How long have you known this? Because I would like to have known about it as well. Can't really fix things if I don't know they need fixing.

  11. I think this can be officially called a "known issue" now. Once again, I don't know why it happens. But I also haven't investigated it yet. That said, the project is open source so other coders can take a shot at it. I'll be happy to answer any questions people have when trying to figure out how the script works. I've spent a lot of effort on making sure the code is understandable by third parties. I just don't have the time or energy to work on it myself right now.

  12. Then there must be something about your .scml file that's different from the ones I used to test.


    Regarding that, and some of the issues mentioned previously in the topic. I still haven't booted up Unity in weeks. I've been very busy with other stuff and tbh haven't quite felt like coding. I might take a crack at it this weekend but again, no guarantees.

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