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  1. Hi, I've been integrating Spriter b5 into my workflow, along with TexturePacker, and can now share a useful Perl script that I use to merge their data. The script is designed for traditional, frame-by-frame, animations (ignoring bone, transformation, and tweening data). Animations are rescaled to the user's specifications, to match the scales used in their TexturePacker sprite atlases. Multiple Spriter SCML documents, multiple TexturePacker atlases, and multiple scales are supported. The merged data is output as an XML document, whose format is specified by a schema included in the project directory. The schema for the input XML document, containing the script's parameters, is also included. I use either XAmple (http://freecode.com/projects/xample) or XMLSeed (http://www.xmlseed.com/) to generate XML documents from schemas. You can easily create your own parameter input document from the included schema. https://github.com/stargazystudios/scaledAnimationMetaDataToGameXml I hope it's of use to others. Cheers, Jeff.
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