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Posts posted by loodakrawa

  1. 6 hours ago, hippyman said:

    Every time I try to import my Spriter Project after importing the Spriter unity package I get a bunch of missing asset errors saying it can't find all the textures used. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I followed what the instructions said. If you need anymore info let me know, sorry I'm fairly new to Unity.

    Did you add all the images used in spriter to Unity? If yes, check if they were imported as Sprites - sometimes Unity imports them as Textures

  2. 10 hours ago, BTA said:


    I just downloaded the Unity plugin and copy-past my Spriter project into my Unity project. The plugin did generated a prefab as expected but when I try to get a reference to the SpriterDotNetBehaviour Animator property it returns null. My code is pretty simple :

    public class DevilBoyController : MonoBehaviour {
    	private UnitySpriterAnimator spriterAnimator;
    	// Use this for initialization
    	void Start () {
    		SpriterDotNetBehaviour sdnb = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<SpriterDotNetBehaviour>();
    		spriterAnimator = sdnb.Animator;

    The script is attached to a game object which contains a prefab instance as a child. The sdnb variable it's not null - it means that the component is correctly retrieved.

    Any idea why the Animator is null ?

    Thank you


    EDIT : actually this issue was solved by using the same tips as the previous issue I had - Reimporting the assets ! I don't know why it just does not work the first time - but in my case I had to use the "reimport" option twice in order to have the character correctly displayed and the Animator correctly created.

    That probably happens due to the script execution order - take a look here.

  3. 35 minutes ago, WormLice said:

    Here are some ideas (not only for colliders):
    - Animation Start event
    - Practical way to wait for animation to end before starting a new one
    - Automatic BoxCollider2D generation
    - Add some examples to the Github project for each fearture shown
    - Name the Sprites/Boxes to their name in Spriter (so you can use the Find method)

    - Animation Start event - I'll add it

    - SpriterAnimator has an exposed event for handling Animation end (AnimationFinished). Or did you have something else in mind?

    - BoxColliders2D do get generated for every box in Spriter. They sit under Metadata/Boxes

    - The GitHub unity example package has examples of every feature supported

    - Boxes do get their name set as in Spriter (although this still needs a small fix to ensure consistency). Sprites on the other hand don't get names since the library reuses them between animations (potentially changing names - e.g. the sprite used for rendering "head" might be used for rendering the "torso" in another animation). Just curious - why would you need to find them by name?

  4. 6 hours ago, WormLice said:


    It does seem like a bug. The Box origin changes depending on the direction you set the width/height of the Box. It might be intentional too, it's hard to tell. The code that I sent you before should work in all the cases. In my opinion, "fixing" this method in the library would be a good idea, to support scml from versions that have the apparent bug. I don't think that this fix will break anything in the future.

    P.S: Is there a practical way of getting a collider by name?

    EDIT: When width/height is negative the Boxes seem to be a little offset. Not sure why that happens.

    If that were a feature it would be an easy fix. This way I'm not sure so I'd like to avoid weird behaviour (like the small offset you mention).

    As for getting colliders - I'm not using them in my projects so I haven't tried in a real use-case. I'd like to hear your feedback in this regard so I can make it more user friendly. I guess that ATM the easiest way of getting the collider is using Unity's Find functionality but I'm not sure how that affects performance. I have a couple of potential ideas but I'd like to hear your feedback / suggestions if you have any.

  5. 2 hours ago, WormLice said:

    It seems the negative width/height is intentional, not a bug. It's basically the direction the scaling goes.
    Here's what happens when I set all widths/heights to positive:
    It should be pretty easy to fix through.
    EDIT: Fixed. Changed the ApplyBoxTransform method at UnitySpriterAnimator.cs to:

    protected override void ApplyBoxTransform(SpriterObjectInfo objInfo, SpriterObject info)
                GameObject child = childData.Boxes[boxIndex];
                GameObject pivot = childData.BoxPivots[boxIndex];
                float w = objInfo.Width / DefaultPPU;
                float h = objInfo.Height / DefaultPPU;
                BoxCollider2D collider = child.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
                collider.size = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(w), Mathf.Abs(h));
                child.name = objInfo.Name;
                float deltaX = (DefaultPivot - info.PivotX) * w * info.ScaleX;
                float deltaY = (DefaultPivot - info.PivotY) * h * info.ScaleY;
                pivot.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, info.Angle);
                pivot.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(info.X / DefaultPPU, info.Y / DefaultPPU, 0);
                child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(deltaX, deltaY, child.transform.localPosition.z);
                child.transform.localScale = new Vector3(info.ScaleX * w >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f, info.ScaleY * h >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f, 1);


    The fix is not really complex but it seems that's really a bug. Take a look here. If this becomes resolved as desired behaviour, I'll fix it in the library.

  6. 3 hours ago, BTA said:


    I'm new to Spriter and even more to the Unity plugin. I was wondering if it's possible to play more than one animation at the same time if those animations don't affect the same bones ? To be honest I ask this question because I'm used to work with Spine and it's a feature that I really like. 

    About Spriter, is it possible to create nested animations ? If not, is it possible to create separate animations, instantiate both in Unity and then make one animation follow another animation bone ?

    Thank you

    SpriterDotNet allows to blend any 2 animations as long as the hierarchy is identical.

    There is a feature called Sub Entities that allows you to do exactly that and it's supported in SpriterDotNet. However, it is not well documented yet so I suggest to search the forum a little bit because I remember there was mention of it.

  7. 3 hours ago, WormLice said:


    I bought Spriter Pro and created a Box to test the BoxCollider2D in Unity. However, after imported to Unity the BoxCollider2D generated seem always disabled due to a too small size (~0.00001). I guess this is intentional, to enable only BoxCollider2Ds that are being used in the current playing animation. But, even after switching the Animation to the one with the Box the BoxCollider2D size is still the same.

    Any help would be appreciated :D.


    It seems that this happens due to a bug in Spriter where the size of the rectangle has a negative value. Take a look here. If this is what's happening in your case you can manually edit the scml as a quick fix and remove the minus from the offending entry. If this is caused by something else, let me know and I'll investigate.

  8. 4 hours ago, GolfNorth said:


    Why here need this line?

    renderer.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, info.Alpha);

    This line resets the color of the component Sprite Renderer.

    This line sets the alpha value from spriter. However, it does reset the colour and that's wrong. I'll fix it to just set the alpha without changing the RGB values.

  9. 1 hour ago, exkyo87 said:

    I don't know if its related, but i was creating a new project, and i found that if you create an animation without bones, when you drop the prefab in the scene, Unity can't find the sprite you use in Spriter (the first time, if you save adding a bone in Spriter, go to Unity, then remove the bone, it shows properly)

    i dont know why anyone will create an animation without bones, but i thought it will be a good idea let you know about that

    I'll investigate this ASAP. Thanks for reporting it

  10. 52 minutes ago, WormLice said:


    I'm using Spriter Essencials that doesn't support Collision Rectangles :|.
    I believe that they can be calculated though.

    The problem is that everything under "Sprites" is essentially an implementation detail of the library so if you shouldn't rely on this. Additionally, the lib only "knows" about the collision boxes which are imported from spriter. What you potentially could do is creating collision boxes under another child of the main object and then attach a custom behaviour to the main object which updates the collision boxes based on the transforms of the objects under the "Sprites" child. Basically every frame iterate through the collision boxes, find the desired Sprite (probably by name) and apply the transforms to the collision box.

  11. 5 hours ago, WormLice said:

    There's only a GameObject called "Points" under "Metadata".


    Just to check - does your Spriter file have collision boxes? Now I remembered you mentioned you were adding them manually. The thing is - this plugin uses a set of child objects and sprite renderers and reuses them between animations. If you manually attach colliders to these sprites they are going to change names between animations. However, if you add collision boxes in spriter they are going to be imported and created under Metadata. They're also being reused between animations but you should be able to differentiate them by name.

    Let me know if this helps.

  12. On 6/12/2015, 4:17:50, exkyo87 said:

    for test i create a collision in the attack01 animation frame 454, there is a "myBox" collision rectangle

    Also try to verify in a new project creating some collision boxes or something (maybe later in the timeline?) if something is wrong with the size of the BoxCollider2d because i can see the boxes but with very small size.
    EDIT: i did some test about this in a new project creating two collisions after the first frame in the timeline, and one of this two boxes has an y size of 0.0001
    this is the scml file if you want to give it a look:
    (it use the same resources of the other file)

    Hope this help, if you need anything else let me know

    This happens because one of the boxes has a negative size which makes no sense so I suppose this is Spriter bug - could you please report it?.


    <obj_info name="box_001" type="box" w="196" h="-88" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="0"/>


  13. On 6/12/2015, 4:17:50, exkyo87 said:

    I upload the file again with the resources files here:

    I'm getting some strange error when trying to import the project in unity:
    ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
    Parameter name: source

    The import issue was due to an completely blank animation - will fix that. Other that that, it blows up during one of the animations. Did you edit the .scml manually? Because based on the error it's either a manual modification error or a spriter bug (or undocumented feature).

    For future reference:


    <key id="3" time="350">
      <bone_ref id="0" timeline="0" key="3"/>
      <object_ref id="19" timeline="0" key="3" z_index="19"/>
    <key id="3" time="350" spin="-1">
      <bone x="10.99669" y="434.393979" angle="61.467489"/>


  14. 9 hours ago, richard141289 said:


    I am trying to intantiate multiple instances of the prefab generated through SpriterDotNet plugin for unity. 

    This is my code :

    public GameObject enemyPrefab; // The Prefab exported from Spriter goes here
    public void Start ()
    		GameObject obj = Instantiate(enemyPrefab) as GameObject;
    		obj.transform.parent = transform;

    The prefab is getting instantiated and also gets parented to the GameObject, however, i am getting an error while trying to access the UnitySpriterAnimator object 

    Please find the code below :

    public UnitySpriterAnimator animator;
    //Written inside start
    if (animator == null)
    			animator = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<SpriterDotNetBehaviour>().Animator;
    			animator.EventTriggered += e => Debug.Log("Event Triggered. Source: " + animator.CurrentAnimation.Name + ". Value: " + e);

    I got the following error while trying to use animator

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    It works fine if i get the reference for animator inside Update. Please let me know if this is an expected behavior. I am new to Unity and Spriter, I apologize in advance if my question is stupid :)

    This is probably due to the script execution order. If you want to do this init logic inside the Start method, jou just have to make sure the SpriterDotNetBehaviour runs before. Take a look here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-ScriptExecution.html

    Personally, I always do it in the Update method because I don't have to rely on project settings.

  15. On 6/12/2015, 6:33:53, WormLice said:

    Nice work! The plugin is very polished and ease of use.

    However, I found an issue with the colliders:
    After switching the animations, some sprites get their box collider mixed.
    In my case, the arm collider became the weapon colllider, after switching animations.

    Maybe I'm adding the colliders incorrectly (currently I'm adding one BoxCollider2D Component into each "Sprites" -> "Pivot" -> "Sprite" object).
    Let me know if you need any more details for debugging (like the scml file, some screenshots...).

    The colliders get added automatically under the "Metadata" -> "Boxes" object. However, I'm reusing collisions between animations and that could potentially cause problems. I'll look into it ASAP.

  16. On 5/12/2015, 7:20:28, Gears94 said:

    This is really amazing and being new to spriter and unity (was using ue4 but switched to unity for the easier programming in c# with unity) and also programming lol this is very helpful and would like to thank you for taking the time to make this and improve it.

    I also wanted to use spritelamp with my animations and after a bit of googling for how i might be able to do this (which is simple to do i know but im still very new to programming so i had to google a bit lol) I was able to come up with these lines of code added to UnitySpriterAnimator.cs inside the method ApplySpriteTransform 

    Material newMat = Resources.Load("Materials/" + sprite.name, typeof(Material)) as Material;
                if (newMat) {
                    renderer.material = newMat;

    which is working so far but the limitations of this is the fact that you have to create the resource folder then the material folder(which is an optional folder but would need to removed from the code if not used) in the resources folder then I place the material in that folder which will need to be named the same as the sprite. Was wondering if you think there is a better way of doing this. Not having the resource folder or materials made will just work like normal and attach the default sprite material. Its late so i have not done a full animation with all parts with their own materials but i did just 2 parts of a simple animation i did and it seems to be working fine.

    I'm not familiar with spritelamp but if you need to load something like this you should probably do it during import time. There's an event that get called after the import. Take a look here.

  17. On 4/12/2015, 2:21:17, exkyo87 said:

    i zip the file because it was larger than the forum max total size

    what it's really strange is that when i create a collision in the spriter when i reopen the file it disappear..
    EDIT: my file have 3 entity, 
    what i see that the problem of the disappear collision in Spriter is something about the entity1 because in the entity0 it doesn't happen,
    i tested in the entity0 creating two collision after the first frame in the timeline, they are added in unity but for some reason they appear too small in runtime, scale x and y 0.0001.


    There seems to be an issue with attachments on the forum - I can't access it. Can you please upload it to an external location and provide the link

  18. 2 minutes ago, exkyo87 said:

    I'm being using the plugin, and i want to use collision boxes as hitboxes for my characters.

    But i'm having a problem, when i create a box in Spriter later than the first frame in the timeline in unity doesn't appear.

    I must create all the collisions in the first frame?

    Also i have a problem with a scml file, maybe my file is corrupted but i don't know, because i keep getting an error when i was testing creating and removing collision in Spriter:
    IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, SpriterDotNet.SpriterMainlineKey key) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:283)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:270)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterEntity entity) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:257)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.CreateSprites (SpriterDotNet.SpriterEntity entity, SpriterDotNetUnity.ChildData cd, SpriterDotNet.Spriter spriter, UnityEngine.GameObject parent) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:118)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.CreateSpriter (System.String path) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:76)


    Can you please send me the .scml so I can investigate? You can either attach it here or pm me.

  19. 2 hours ago, esDotDev said:

    Awesome thanks, we would really appreciate that! 

    Also, for what it's worth, we're not using any of the advanced featured of Spriter, no MetaData, Sounds, Tags, Events etc, so I was able to get rid of half the garbage by just ignoring calls to GetMetaData completely.

    Might be cool if the plugin was smart enough to know, hey you aren't using sounds, you aren't using events, etc, and maybe run in a more optimized state? Just a thought.

    Good suggestion. However, it would be rather unpractical to detect usage so I'll just expose various flags to allow user to enable/disable individual features. Also, I'll try to fix other things you mentioned in the Unity thread.

    Btw, opened issues on github: https://github.com/loodakrawa/SpriterDotNet/issues

  20. 19 minutes ago, esDotDev said:

    Well it is quite worrying, as with 20 units in the scene, I'm seeing GC times of 8ms on a powerful PC, occuring every 3 seconds. This game will eventually run on PS4 / Vita which have much much weaker CPU's.

    So, I can't say I have performance issues right now on this PC, but certainly will once they game grows in complexity and runs on weaker machines. And considering I've put a ton of work into the game to remove as much garbage as possible, including object pooling, and optimizing loops and co-routines, it's frustrating to have this massive memory consumption wasting all my hard work.

    I agree, in general, premature optimization can be a waste, but the code inside this plugin is _extremely_ hot code, it could easily run several thousand times per second at 60fps with many units in the world, so I'd argue that optimizing this inner loop so it doesn't generate much garbage, is not pre-mature, it's a fundamental requirement.

    Tomorrow I'll try and I get this running on PSVita, and will be able to tell you for sure if we're seeing performance issues, but with 8ms collection time on PC, I'm pretty sure we will. 

    I've looked at the code, and as you say, most of if it instantiation of Dictionaries, which I'm not really sure how to get around at the moment. I think you might have a much better idea on how you could possible cache/pool/reuse these frame objects, so they don't need to be constantly re-created. 

    Another thing I noticed, there's pretty liberal use of for-each loops which (regrettably) are known in Unity to generate garbage because it uses an .NET old compiler.


    Fair enough - that's a valid point. I have a pretty good idea what can be done so I'll take a look this weekend and hopefully come up with a good solution. I'll let you know how it goes.

  21. 34 minutes ago, esDotDev said:

    Testing this in Unity seems to be creating quite a bit of Garbage to be collected. I'd post this in the Unity thread, but any fixes will have to be done on the main lib.

    It looks like each Spriter instance is generating about 5kb of garbage each frame.


    You can see from the profiler, ApplySpriteTransform is creating about .5kb, and then GetFrameData and GetFrameMetaData() are creating about 2.1kb each.

    I'm looking into it now, and will post back if I'm able to reduce it. 

    This is basically the draw data and metadata for every frame. Did you have any performance issues due to this, or you just want to optimise for the sake of it? I'm a big fan of optimisation but usually I avoid doing it until proven necessary because "premature optimization is the root of all evil" as a smart person said. That being said, feel free to do it and submit a pull request if you get good results. Contributions are always welcome

  22. 5 hours ago, esDotDev said:

    I'm getting errors trying to update an SCML file that has already been imported.
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.GetObjectInfo (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, System.String name)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.AddVariableAndTagData (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, Single targetTime, SpriterDotNet.FrameMetadata metadata)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.GetFrameMetadata (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, Single targetTime, Single deltaTime, SpriterDotNet.SpriterSpatial parentInfo)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimator`2[TSprite,TSound].Animate (Single deltaTime)


    Steps to reproduce:

    • Import the attached SCML file.
    • Allow SpriterDotNet to create Prefab "ArcherSCML"
    • Open SCML File, rename the entity to "ArcherSCML1", and save.
    • Allow SpriterDotNet to create a new prefab "ArcherSCML1"

    It should now throw the above error anytime you try and drag either ArcherSCML or ArcherSCML1 into the scene.



    Hey, I can't access the attachment. I'm getting an error saying "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account." - might me a forum issue. Can you try to upload the file somewhere else?

  23. 3 hours ago, exkyo87 said:

    Hello i'm using this plugin for Unity and it works like a charm, but i have a question if someone can help me:

    How can you handle the events of Spriter in Unity?,

    For example i want to know when an animation is finished, like an attack animation, change it to the Stand animation
    But also i want to know how to handle the events you can add in the timeline



    There are two C# events exposed in SpriterAnimator (and UnitySpriterAnimator subclass) which provide the functionality you want: AnimationFinished and EventTriggered

  24. 14 hours ago, SkeletalRavenArts said:

    Ouh thanks! 

    alright! one more question, how can I check those animations and transition them, it keeps on looping the 1st animation.

     the previous Plugin which was Spriter2Unity had the option to go to the Animator Window and you will have all the Animations there, and from there you can connect them and control how the transition works. 

    any similar option with SpriterdotnetUnity? 

    SpriterDotNet is a library that does all the work in pure C# code in order to support all Spriter features and be able to work with any .net frameworks/platforms. Unfortunately that means that it doesn't use platform specific things like Unity's animation system (which includes the Animator view).

    The idea is to control the animations with SpriterAnimator  - you can take a look at the example provided.

    That being said, Unity allows custom editors so I'll add the development of such a tool (something like the Animator view) to the project's long term goals.


  25. 10 hours ago, Kiori said:

    I encountered a few bugs when trying to import the plataformer pack:

    -----------This shows up when i tried switching animations a character in the pack, with simply dragging the controller, running and pressing fire1,etc. ---------------

    ArithmeticException: NAN
    System.Math.Sign (Single value) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Math.cs:485)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.ApplyParentTransform (SpriterDotNet.SpriterSpatial child, SpriterDotNet.SpriterSpatial parent) (at C:/dev/libs/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNet/SpriterProcessor.cs:438)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.GetBoneInfos (SpriterDotNet.SpriterMainlineKey key, SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, Single targetTime, SpriterDotNet.SpriterSpatial parentInfo) (at C:/dev/libs/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNet/SpriterProcessor.cs:265)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterProcessor.GetFrameData (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, Single targetTime, SpriterDotNet.SpriterSpatial parentInfo) (at C:/dev/libs/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNet/SpriterProcessor.cs:83)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimator`2[TSprite,TSound].Animate (Single deltaTime) (at C:/dev/libs/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNet/SpriterAnimator.cs:142)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.UnitySpriterAnimator.Animate (Single deltaTime) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/UnitySpriterAnimator.cs:41)
    SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimator`2[TSprite,TSound].Step (Single deltaTime) (at C:/dev/libs/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNet/SpriterAnimator.cs:133)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterDotNetBehaviour.Update () (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNetBehaviour.cs:61)



    ------------These 2 show up when loading/adding the pack----------------
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation, SpriterDotNet.SpriterMainlineKey key) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:281)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterAnimation animation) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:270)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.GetDrawablesCount (SpriterDotNet.SpriterEntity entity) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:257)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.CreateSprites (SpriterDotNet.SpriterEntity entity, SpriterDotNetUnity.ChildData cd, SpriterDotNet.Spriter spriter, UnityEngine.GameObject parent) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:118)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.CreateSpriter (System.String path) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:76)
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterImporter.OnPostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromPath) (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterImporter.cs:33)
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222)
    Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:232)
    System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MethodBase.cs:115)
    UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.PostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] addedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromPathAssets) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:27)

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SpriterDotNetUnity.SpriterDotNetBehaviour.Start () (at Assets/SpriterDotNet/SpriterDotNetBehaviour.cs:43)



    It seems to work though.

    Hey, can you provide more specific details about the exact .scml/entity/animation that cause these issues so I can investigate further? Thanks

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