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  1. Thanks for your replies! As for me, feature-wise Spriter is more than enough. The most obvious things to desire are APIs aka Runtimes. Like SDL2 for really cross-platform games (SFML is kinda lame with no mobile support) and some might prefer Cocos2d-x. Community tries to do something, but it is unreliable and makes usage of a Spriter a big risk or a technical burden if we choose to write runtime ourselves. I do like Spriter better, but with no good selection of officially supported APIs it is too hard to use(
  2. Hi! I'm actually a very long time user, preordered Spriter when first heard of it. And only now I'm in a real need for a 2d skeletal animations tool. But it worries me a lot - Is Spriter abandoned by its Devs? Last Blog post is dated 2015, and almost nothing changed on API side of things. Am I better to count it as a loss and go Spine?
  3. Hello guys! As most of you probably know, Riq is leaving cocos2d-iphone for the sake of the cocos2d-x, wich is now under Zinga's wing. It makes cocos2d-x primary mobile 2d engine if it isn't already. While spine is there already, it's not as well engineered as spriter is (personal opinion), and its cocos2d-x implementation is lacking in some ways (for example, it uses custom draw method wich is nice and all, but lacks in many ways, like modifying it to be SpriteBatchNode child is hell of a trouble) for the one making a game with tons of characters rendering simultaneously it could be inexistent as easy. I would very much like to use spriter. Yet cocos2d-x implementation (or at least well written c++ generic) been missing is very troubling. I mean Very. I myself unfortunately have too much on my hands to make it any good. I wonder if it is possible to get one for a buck and how much can it cost to be developed? I'm willing to pay any reasonable amount. If there are people with same interest we can get our funds together and hire somebody to make it. My primary concerns are: implementation been made robust, well documented, easy to maintain, and if it goes whole way to be in cocos2d-x, actors should be SpriteBatchNode ready. Will appreciate any cooperation.
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