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Posts posted by UberLou

  1. @UberLou

    -> framerate based workflow is already on spriter's roadmap if I'm not mistaken.

    Just saw this response, my problem isn't frame based. It's that selecting one object shows me key frames for all the other objects. For example my bug character has about 30 key frame on the wings, but the body only has 5. If I want to animate the body, I have to constantly find the key frames for the body.

  2. I'm having some trouble animating an insect like creature. My problem is that the wings have keyframes every 30ms. When I want to just animate the body, I have to drag the timeline up, check out where the keyframes are for that bone and then animate at that point. Not such a huge deal, but it's a pain to press 1 or 2 to snap to keyframes when I have to go through every keyframe for the wings. Snapping to keyframes also scrolls the timeline window back to the top, so if I'm trying to see where a bone's keyframes are and that bone is close to the bottom of the timeline window, I now also have to scroll the window down to find it again. Would it be possible to have a timeline option where I only see the keyframes from the selected object and snapping only goes to those keyframes? 3D Studio Max works like this and it seems to be a better way to view keyframes.


  3. Unfortunately I deleted the file before I saw your response. The problem can be recreated by taking any Spriter project, deleting some of the sprite files (directly from the windows folder, not from within Spriter), and saving the project. When you open up the scml file in an editor, it still references the deleted file even though they're no longer used.

  4. This is probably a complicated feature to ask for, but here goes - a way to work with high res sprites and then export a lower res version. Spriter would create a new directory with the new scaled down sprites and a new scml file.

    This would be useful to future proof my assets so that I wouldn't have to reanimate everything if using the high res versions became viable.

  5. I created a rigged character in Spriter. I realized that I have to separate the upper part of the body from the bottom so that the character can aim while moving. I saved two different scml files and deleted the unused bones and images, so I have the torso up on one rig and the pelvis down on the other rig. However, the scml file still references the deleted images and causes an error when I try to use the scml file in Construct. How can I properly remove the images so that they are no longer referenced?

  6. I'm using Spriter pro and it's great so far. Some things that really would help:

    - Too many shortcuts and not enough buttons. Shortcuts are great, but I'm old and forget things easily :)

    - Remap shortcuts. I'm so used to things like < and > to move the timeline to the next\previous keyframes from 3D Studio Max. Again I'm old my brain gets messed up moving between the two programs

    - Also this is Construct specific - blending between animations. It would be great to be able to define the length of the blend too.


  7. A question about the hierarchy you mentioned, do you just mean you want the ability to use sprites in the same way you can bones?

    Yeah pretty much. It would be faster to just create a hierarchy of sprites especially if I wasn't going to use IK. Not a huge deal, but it would eliminate a step. For some reason I thought this was supported in the a4.1 version...maybe not.

    Another question - Is there a proper way to delete an object? When I hit delete now, it deletes the object at that frame, but I want to remove it from the entire animation.

    Thanks for the snap to keyframe and IK tip.

  8. I've done a search, but couldn't figure out how to create a hierarchy of sprites. I can link them to bones, but I don't really need to use a bone system. Seems like an extra step at this point anyway since there is no IK yet.

    Some suggestions

    - It would be nice to have an option to snap to keyframes when scrubbing the timeline. It's sometimes difficult to pinpoint where a keyframe is.

    - Sometimes it's difficult to rotate bones. I end up moving them or selecting another bone by accident. Maybe make the selection point to rotate a little larger.

    - During bone setup, I want to scale the bone, but then default the scale to 1...if that makes any sense. Similar to resetting the transformation in other animation programs.

    - I'd like an option to lock the layout. I keep moving the timeline by accident.

    - In 3D Studio Max, you can drag spinners (the up and down arrows) to change the values. It would be a good timesaving feature to have here too.

    - Also from 3D Studio, shift draging keyframes to copy them would be nice.

    PS - this is the first time I'm checking out Spriter since the A4.1 version...nice job overall. Can't wait to see the pro version.

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