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1 Screenshot

About This File


This art pack includes a robustly animated Run n’ Gun player character, ready to walk, run, shoot, slide, crouch, flip, and swim his (or her) way through the world you create.

Also included are several fully animated basic enemies, a couple of boss-like characters and a few effects you’ll likely find useful for things like impacts, pick-up effects etc.

This Art Pack also features two unique alternate “skins” for the player character. These are unique image sets which can turn the player into a female or an enemy robot.

By legally acquiring an art pack from BrashMonkey LLC, you are granted use of the animations and the art for your own game projects. (whether the games be commercial or free), but purchase of the art pack does NOT grant the right to distribute the animations or art (altered or otherwise) to third parties for free or for profit for use in the creation of their products.

Click HERE to read the full Copyright Licensing Agreement.

Click the link to preview the “Essentials” version of the Run-n-Gun Art Pack, which is free for all Spriter Pro purchasers.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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