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Using Spriter animations in android apps


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Hello dear Spriter community! 


I want to develop an android app which contains 2d character animations. Simple example: When the user starts the app, a 2d character is shown which is moving slightly. The character reacts according to user input (e.g. clicking on the character would make the character smile, physical movement of the user would be tracked and leads to a moving character). The user has to entry some information (e.g. weight and there would be a statistic). It is not really a game, but it uses game design elements. 


I have experiences in developing android apps (I use Android Studio and Java), but I am very new to animations. That's why I would be very grateful if you could answer me the following questions: 

  1. Is it possible to use Spriter animations in Android Studio? Are there any APIs for Java/Android?
  2. What do I need to run Spriter animations in Java?
  3. Do you think that I should use a game engine? I am not sure if it would be too overweight. Which one would be good? Libgdx or Cocos2d or something else? 
  4. Is it correct that I can programmatically address Spriter animations when I use for example Libgdx? 

I have already used the "search"-functionality of this forum. I am sorry, if my question is very basic, nevertheless I would be very grateful if anyone could give me a hint. 


Thank you very much! 


Best regards! 



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Hi Eva,


I have been using Libgdx myself but have heard good things about Cocos2d (but have never tried it).


From the description of your requirements, I'd probably say these two libraries might fit your needs.



What you're looking for to be able to run Spriter animations directly within Java (or other languages) are called "implementations" and can be found here in the forums:





The most recent one for Java that I've been using can be found here specifically:




It might be a bit overkill for what you need, but is pretty well written and documented by the author.


Read though the documentation they've provided on their thread and I believe that should help answer most of your questions. 

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