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Found 2 results

  1. I know there's an official troubleshooting post, but I figure I'll list out my own issues, troubleshooting steps, and solutions for the benefit of anyone else who is brand new to Spriter. In the first post I'll bullet out quick tips, etc. and I'll note details in subsequent posts if/when necessary. My thought is that what with all the keywords spewed out in these posts, this will make searching for certain solutions a little easier when googling or searching the board. I'm sure some or all of this is addressed in the Youtube vids, the manual (I've read through it once already and should probably give it a second read), and the board, but heck, if anything I will enjoy reviewing my own progress as time progresses. Tips If you suddenly can't select an object or bone, check ALL associated bones / objects
  2. Hi, I'm trying out Spriter with a 2D graphic I made using a vector app and exported as PNG parts. The curved lines are thick enough and look nice and 'crisp' or rather 'smooth' so to speak. Solid colors and solid lines were used. When I use them in Spriter and subsequently in HaxeFlixel, I notice that the curved lines are not rendered perfectly anymore and looks ugly depending on the resolution of the of the images. More so if they have been rotated. I don't know what the industry term for this is, but what do you guys call it, and what do you do in your work flow to avoid this? For example: The one on the left is running on Flash using SpriterHaxeEngine, and on the right, is what I see on the Spriter Editor after dragging and dropping the image parts. You can see the subtle imperfection on the rendering on the left.
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